Words of the President 2016

Ang Tinig

President’s Letter
December 26, 2016

Dear Missionaries:

Good Monday to you.  As you read this you are probably a bit damp and weary as we work through a wet and windy weekend.  Typhoon Nina is passing over the Philippines this Christmas weekend but hopefully you weathered the storm well and you are planning another great week of missionary work.  The rain and wind should be gone onTuesday.

Sister Clark and I were thrilled with the outcome of our Christmas Conferences last week.  We were treated to two days of your company and were delighted with your wisdom, wit and righteousness.  We are reminded that we truly serve among the Lord’s finest.  Thank you for your goodness and wonderful influence.

Today I borrow from the “Little Book of Missionary Reminders” for some short, common sense instructions, suggestions and observations on being a happy and productive missionary.  This is a bit lighter fare than I usually serve up in this space.  But its Christmas time and we all need a small respite from the usual routine.  For your consideration….

Ø  Make your companion feel like he/she is your best one yet.

Ø  Pay your fast offerings.

Ø  Send thank you notes/texts after dinner appointments.

Ø  Write your family weekly; not weakly.

Ø  Always greet the bishop/branch president at church at your first opportunity.

Ø  Members won’t get transferred on Thursday, but you might.  Make sure investigators get attached to members rather than you.

Ø  One way to learn a new language is to read the Book of Mormon out loud in the language you are learning.

Ø  Don’t murmur.

Ø  Become really good at repenting and forgiving.  Both pay big dividends.

Ø  Pray fervently for your mission president and his companion.  Your prayers on their behalf have special meaning and power in heaven.

We’re looking forward to a wonderful and prosperous new year.  Let’s finish strong this week.

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
December 19, 2016

Dear Elders & Sisters:

Merry Christmas sa inyong lahat!!  In the words of a favorite song of the season, “it’s the most wonderful time of the year”.  The emotions of Christmas season can be poignant and deep, especially when we are away from home, family and friends.  I recall a time, just a few years ago, when my feelings about Christmas led me to write a Christmas message to my loved ones.   I was serving as stake president and our children were grown and moved away.  Christmas had become something very different from what it once was.  The very secular, commercial aspects of Christmas were less important in our lives and Sister Clark and I enjoyed more of the sacred nature of the holiday.  I like to think we had come to cherish Christmas, more than celebrate it.  In that spirit of Christmas I wrote the following message to our friends and family.  I share it today with you – our mission family.

Christmas is a season of grand greetings and warm well wishes.  Superlatives abound as we celebrate the “most wonderful time of the year” and the greatest gift ever given.  Amid all of the festivities of holiday parties, Christmas trees, decorations, and the giving of gifts might we give thought to observing a “good” Christmas?  Why good? Good can seem so ordinary, so common, so “not Christmas.”

"Good" is a basic of everyday life.  We say "good morning." We tell friends and acquaintances to "have a good day." We wish people good luck, and we utter “thank goodness."  We like “good news” and “good times”. We admire "good taste” and want things that taste good.  Of course, when our day ends--whether or not it was--we say "good night."  The virtues of a good Christmas merit consideration.  Christmas has become to us as a day of gifting--a day of good cheer and goodwill to men.   It is in the “good news” of the gospel of Jesus Christ that we come to know of true Christmas spirit.  For example, His parable of the Good Samaritan teaches us of the need to be good to one another.   The real spirit of Christmas lies in the life and mission of the Good Shepard as we learn of Him in the Good Book. 

So this year as we savor our Christmas goodies and offer good tidings to others, think about celebrating a good Christmas with loved ones near and far.  Pray for “peace on earth goodwill toward all men” and strive to “be good for goodness sake.”   Let us follow the example of the Jesus in serving others, showing forth the good fruits that every good tree will produce. “A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things.” (Matt 12:35)  The true spirit of Christmas lies in the good, deeper feelings that come from giving from the heart. It is found in the life of the Savior, in the principles he taught, in his atoning sacrifice—in His example of going “about doing good.” 

Have a very Good Christmas.  I love you.

Maligayang Pasko
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
December 12, 2016

Dear Sisters & Elders:

Some years ago I came across a short verse by author Carl Holmes that I liked so much I had it framed and hung in my office.  As a young lawyer I would look at the statement and it would motivate and invigorate me in difficult times.  When I would grow tired or lose patience with a person or a problem I would read this short verse for inspiration.  At times when I would become too self-satisfied with my work or my accomplishments the statement would cause me to ask myself what more could and should I do.  The verse was intended to apply to the business world but it has equal application to missionary service.  I share it for your reflection.


These three little words are the secret to success.
They are the difference between average people and top people in most organizations.
The top people always do what is expected…and then some.
They are thoughtful of others, they are considerate and kind…and then some.
They meet their responsibilities fairly and squarely…and then some.
They are good friends and helpful neighbors…and then some.
They can be counted on in an emergency…and then some.
I am thankful for people like this, for they make the world a better place.
Their spirit of service is summed up in these three little words…and then some.”                                                              
In missionary life there is always more that we can do to fulfill our purpose.  We can do our share of OYM’s…and then some.  We can support to a struggling companion…and then some.  We can assist our ward leaders…and then some.  We can be “very” obedient… and then some.  The list could become very long.

The scriptural equivalent of the “and then some” attitude is found in the Savior’s teachings and example. He taught the need to go the extra mile to find His lost sheep. “What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine and go into the wilderness after that which is lost, until he find it?” (Joseph Smith Translation, Luke 15:4).
He set the perfect example that we can look to as we fulfill our duties “and then some.”  Think of the extra mile Christ went as he fed the five thousand (Matthew 14:13–21); ministered to the little children; washed the feet of His apostles (John 13:4–17); and blessed the Nephites and prayed for them (3 Nephi 17).

Elders and Sisters, we are striving to fulfill the directive of Preach My Gospel – “Give your best efforts to help people qualify for “eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God” (D&C 14:7).  I know the power is within each of us to become “and then some” missionaries. It will take commitment, work, and sacrifice, but we will also receive blessings; all the blessing we deserve…and then some. 

Mahal kita

President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
December 5, 2016

Dear Missionaries:

In a few weeks a noteworthy day will pass through our planners.  I bring to your attention December 23rd as a special day to remember.  It is the birthday of President Joseph Smith, the first president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the prophet of the Restoration.  He holds a singular place in the history of this Church and Lord’s work on this earth.  “Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer of the Lord,” wrote President John Taylor, “has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it.”

The story of Joseph’s life is the story of a miracle. He was born in poverty. He was reared in adversity. He was driven from place to place, falsely accused, and illegally imprisoned. He was murdered at the age of 38. Yet in the brief space of 20 years preceding his death, he accomplished what none other has accomplished in an entire lifetime. He translated and published the Book of Mormon, a volume which has since been retranslated into scores of languages and which is accepted by millions across the earth as the word of God. The revelations he received and other writings he produced are likewise scripture to these millions.

I love the Prophet Joseph.  My testimony of the truthfulness of this Church, the authenticityy of the Book of Mormon and the restoration of the gospel all hinge on my fervent belief in Joseph Smith being God’s chosen prophet, seer and revelator.  My interest in Joseph Smith began as a young boy in a Sunday School class.   The teacher said something that surprised and fascinated me.  She said, “Joseph Smith and the First Vision are the great “leap of faith” that every member of the Church must make to gain a testimony.”  I never before thought of Joseph Smith with such importance.  She was saying that if I didn’t believe Joseph Smith and his story I could not obtain a durable testimony of the restored gospel or this Church.  This motivated me to learn all I could about him.  Years of study of his life have only strengthened by belief in his divine mission.

Several years ago President Gordon B. Hinckley made a profound and polarizing statement about Joseph Smith.  Said he:  “We declare without equivocation that God the Father and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, appeared in person to the boy Joseph Smith. That is the way I feel about it. Our whole strength rests on the validity of that vision. It either occurred or it did not occur. If it did not, then this work is a fraud. If it did, then it is the most important and wonderful work under the heavens.”  I know, elders and sisters, that this work and this Church are not a fraud.  This is God’s church and we are in the most important and wonderful work under the heavens.

We, of course, do not worship Joseph Smith. We worship God our Eternal Father and the risen Lord Jesus Christ. But we acknowledge the Prophet; we proclaim him; we respect him; we reverence him as an instrument in the hands of the Almighty in restoring to the earth the ancient truths of the divine gospel.  In this month of December let’s give some special consideration to this great man as we teach the Restoration and read the Book of Mormon. He is deserving of some reverential pondering in this season of celebrating the birth of our Savior.

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
November 28, 2016

Elders and Sisters:

Last week Sister Clark and I attended the annual Mission President’s Seminar for the Philippines Area.  It was a grand gathering of twenty-one mission presidents and wives, hosted by the Area Presidency. The Spirit was abundant and we learned much from our leaders and from each other.  Each time I attend this seminar I’m very impressed with the wisdom and character of the other mission presidents and their wives.  They are really spiritual and intelligent people.  Admittedly, I sometimes fall into a trap of making comparisons of my own performance and capability with the other mission presidents.  I become acutely aware of my own inadequacies; feeling that I’m not living up to my potential or the Lord’s requirements.  Such thinking is really unhealthy and I strongly advise each of you to avoid indulging in this self-deprecating pondering.  This experience reminded me of several talks given by President Gordon B. Hinckley in which he spoke of how we should deal with self-doubt.  Consider this counsel.

“Many of you think you are failures. You feel you cannot do well, that with all of your effort it is not sufficient.  We all feel that way. I feel that way as I speak to you tonight. … We all worry about our performance. We all wish we could do better.  [I know] you are doing the best you can, and that “best” results in good to yourself and to others. Do not nag yourself with a sense of failure. Get on your knees and ask for the blessings of the Lord; then stand on your feet and do what you are asked to do. Then leave the matter in the hands of the Lord. You will discover that you have accomplished something beyond price.”

“May heaven smile upon you, my dear friends in this great work. Just do the best you can, but be sure it is your very best. Then leave it in the hands of the Lord.    

President Hinckley’s counsel is helpful in knowing the Lord’s expectations: "Just do the best you can, but be sure it is your very best."  Preach My Gospel teaches us the same standard.  We read:  “Give your best efforts to help people qualify for “eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God” (D&C 14:7). Love the Lord and serve Him the very best you can”

Elder M. Russell Ballard helps us understand the “do your best” standard.  Said he: Remember, we all have our own challenges to work out while passing the tests of mortality, and we probably often think ours are the most difficult. Recognize limitations; no one can do everything. When you have done the best you can, be satisfied and don’t look back and second-guess, wondering how you could have done more. Be at peace within yourselves. Rather than berate yourself for what you didn’t do, congratulate yourself for what you did.

For each of us the true test of our best is in our daily accounting to the Master.  Preach My Gospel tells us: “In your prayers at night, give the Lord an accounting of your day’s activities.” (P.95) We should, “listen for the promptings of the Spirit” after that accounting and ponder these questions, “Did I do my best today?” “Was my offering today acceptable to the Lord?”  I know that as we go forward with all our might and with all we have to perform our work, and cease not in our diligence (See D&C 124:49) our best will be pleasing to God.  Then He will help us feel of a job well done and bless us with the inner peace we desire.  Doing our best will enable us to hold fast to faith and hope and defeat fears and doubts. 

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
November 21, 2016

Sisters and Elders:

In about four days the Church’s Christmas initiative – “Light the World” - will kick-off.   Each of us needs to prepare to be part of this initiative.   It will begin Friday, November 25, 2016, and will run through Christmas Day.  #LIGHTtheWORLD initiative will feature an inspirational video and super website.  Beginning November 25, missionaries are encouraged to become familiar with the contents of this page and identify ways to use it in their missionary efforts. The #LIGHTtheWORLD website includes a section that provides 25 of the Savior’s teachings on love, service and sacrifice with suggestions how they can be applied in our lives today.  Use these “25 ways in 25 days” to become a better servant and help others to do the same.

In anticipation of being a part of #LIGHTtheWORLD I ask you to consider the companion principles of service and sacrifice.  President Spencer W. Kimball once explained to a young man struggling with his testimony that: “Through sacrifice and service one comes to know the Lord.” As we sacrifice our selfish desires, serve our God and others, we become more like Him.”   We also, naturally become more obedient.  Elder Russell M. Nelson explained the interplay between sacrifice and obedience this way:  “the laws of obedience and sacrifice are indelibly intertwined. … As we comply with the commandments, something wonderful happens to us. … We become more sacred and holy—[more] like our Lord!”  Missionaries, if they are living right, are serving and sacrificing daily and driven to be more obedient.  The converse is also true:  missionaries who turn selfish and un-serving find themselves struggling with obedience.

Recall the Bible story of the rich young man who approached Jesus?  He asked the Savior: “What good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” Jesus first taught him of obedience and then came this response and query—for the young man was a good man, a faithful man, one who sought righteousness: “All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?”  Elder Bruce R. McConkie taught the following of the rich young man and this question (with a few insertions from me): “We might well ask, ‘Isn’t it enough to keep the commandments? What more is expected of us? Is there more than the law of obedience?’  In the case of our rich young friend there was more. He was expected to sacrifice his earthly possessions…. Now I think it is perfectly clear that the Lord expects far more of us than we sometimes render. We are not as other men (and women). We are the saints [missionaries] of God. Where much is given much is expected.  We are commanded to live in harmony with the Lord’s laws, to keep all his commandments, to sacrifice all things if need be for his name’s sake…  We are under covenant to live the law of obedience.  We are under covenant to live the law of sacrifice.”

Elders and Sisters, the Lord is not asking you to sacrifice all your worldly possessions at this time of life.  But he does require your “heart, might, mind and strength” in fulfilling your set apart calling.  This demands sacrifice of your pride, some of your personal ambitions, several of your personal pleasures and even a degree of your individual freedoms.  For this season of your life exact obedience will carry the cost of real sacrifice but will also bear the fruits of rich blessings and true miracles.   Sacrifice truly brings for the blessings of heaven and the sanctifying power of sacrifice refines our souls.  Consider the cost of obedience in your missionary life. The privilege to sacrifice in order to obey should be counted a privilege of true discipleship and serving the Master. 
Mahal kita
President Clark 

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
November 14, 2016

Dear Beloved Missionaries:

Elder Bruce R. McConkie said that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is “the most important single thing that has ever occurred in the entire history of created things; it is the rock-foundation upon which the gospel and all other things rest.” He also taught that “the Atonement is the most basic and fundamental doctrine of the gospel, and it is the least understood of all our revealed truths.”  We study the Atonement as missionaries with great intensity because of this huge paradox --- we least understand that which most important in our lives.  We can’t diminish the importance of the Atonement so we must increase our understanding of the doctrine.  Today I offer several quotes from modern Apostles to bring greater illumination to the truths of the Atonement.

“You need not know everything before the power of the Atonement will work for you.” Elder Boyd K. Packer, Washed Clean, April 1997 General Conference

“Man unquestionably has impressive powers… But after all our obedience and good works, we cannot be saved from the effects of our sins without the grace extended by the Atonement of Jesus Christ… Man cannot earn his own salvation.” Elder Dallin H. Oaks, What Think Ye of Christ, October 1988 General Conference

“Mortal experience points evermore to the Atonement of Jesus Christ as the central act of all human history. The more I learn and experience, the more unselfish, stunning, and encompassing His Atonement becomes!”   Elder Neal A. Maxwell, From Whom All Blessing Flow, April 1997 General Conference

"Without the Atonement of Jesus Christ, life would be a dead-end road without hope or future. With the Atonement, life is an ennobling, inspiring journey of growth and development that leads to eternal life in the presence of our Heavenly Father.”  - President Dieter F Uchtdorf,  Four Titles, April 2013 General Conference

“The Savior’s suffering in Gethsemane and His agony on the cross redeem us from sin by satisfying the demands that justice has upon us. He extends mercy and pardons those who repent. The Atonement also satisfies the debt justice owes to us by healing and compensating us for any suffering we innocently endure.” Elder D. Todd Christofferson, Redemeption, April 2013 General Conference

“If we truly understood the Atonement and the eternal value of each soul, we would seek out the wayward boy and girl and every other wayward child of God. We would help them to know of the love Christ has for them. We would do all that we can to help prepare them to receive the saving ordinances of the gospel.” Elder M Russell Ballard, The Atonement and the Value of One Soul, April 2004 General Conference

Elders and Sisters, we can’t over emphasize or over study the importance, depth or power of the Atonement.  It is the essential catalyst for missionary work – “As your understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ grows, your desire to share the gospel will increase. You will feel, as Lehi did, the “great . . . importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth” (2 Nephi 2:8). Preach My Gospel, P.2.  Dig deep into the Atonement for in it you will find your motivation and message.

Mahal ko kayo
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
November 7, 2016

Dear Beloved Missionaries:

Thank You!  October-Blest was a wonderful success so I thank and commend you for great work done over the past two months.  “Well done, thou good and faithful servants (Matt 25:5) is the biblical phrase that comes to my mind.  I hope each of you is savoring the “joy of the lord” because of the magnificent achievements of the mission during October.  Remember, this was a mission accomplishment and “a rising tide lifts all boats”.  We are living proof, a mission draws closer together as it achieves and endures together—what happens to one happens to all.

What we accomplished in October was truly remarkable.  Look at this:
Ø  149 total convert baptisms (a 35% increase over our monthly average and a 67% increase over the prior month)
Ø  5 zones baptized at standard of excellence
Ø  8 companionships baptized weekly (or higher)
Ø  75% of all missionaries had a baptism in October (I’m most happy with this one.)
All of this is even more remarkable when you consider that it was done in a month in which we had a large disruptive transfer and two powerful typhoons hit our mission.  We lost about six days of work and two Sundays (due to General Conference and one typhoon).  We faced adversity in many forms and still delivered on our purpose to bring many souls to conversion and baptism. We should find great happiness in our October results. I know the Lord does. “And how great is his joy in the soul that repenteth! And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father! And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!” (D&C 18:13, 15-16)

You will recall that when we launched October-Blest we committed to prove the Lord and prove ourselves.  Remember Malachi 3:10 and Abraham 3:24 -5.  The Lord has surely fulfilled all his promises in hastening His work in this mission.  I believe we have also proven ourselves as faithful disciples of Christ and able ministers.  We have demonstrated that consistent and intense application of our Four Tools for finding, teaching, converting and baptizing brings blessings.  It has been proved – good things happen when we “go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded.”

This past October was the fifth highest baptizing month in Angeles Mission in the last four years.  It was the second highest month Sister Clark and I have witnessed.  This comparison is meaningful in that we are reaching these results with 20% fewer missionaries than when Sister Clark and I arrived.  We are so proud of all of you and your individual sacrifices in bringing the gospel to more of Heavenly Father’s children. 

Dear Elders and Sisters, this New Testament admonish is worth remembering. “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” (1 Thess. 5:16-21)  We have accomplished much but have more to prove.  Let’s “hold fast to that which is good” and we have learned in the past few months.  November-Quest is upon us and we have a work to do.  A White Christmas of many more baptisms is within our reach.  Make no small plans; think big.  Act in faith.

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
October 31, 2016

Dear Sisters and Elders:

I’m impressed to write to you today about the “celestial law” of unity (D&C 105:4).  We have just completed a transfer and we should be eagerly developing strong, unified companionships.

President David O. McKay taught: “In …the Church, there is no virtue more conducive to progress and spirituality than the presence of [of unity].”  Unity in a companionship brings mutual confidence, trust and harmony.  Unity is God’s way.  Unity is so essential that the Lord pled for unity among his disciples in his great intercessory prayer. 
“Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.
“Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;
“That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.” (John 17:11, John 17:20–21.)

We are representatives of the Savior Jesus Christ and His Church, and the Lord expects us to come to a unity in our companionships through Him. He has said to us: “Be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine.” (D&C 38:27.)

 Satan uses conflict as a powerful tool to defeat missionary work by causing disputes and ill feelings among companions.  Pres. David O. McKay warned:  “When jealousy, backbiting, [and] evil-speaking supplant mutual confidence, unity, and harmony, the progress of the [companionship] is stifled. …” “I know that the adversary has no stronger weapon against any group of men or women in this Church than the weapon of thrusting in a wedge of disunity, doubt, and enmity”.  We are about the work of building Zion and preparing for the kingdom of heaven to come.  We cannot afford to have contention with one another (D&C 101:43-51).

 President Henry B. Eyring explained that if we are to have unity, “there are commandments we must keep concerning how we feel. We must forgive and bear no malice toward those who offend us. The Savior set the example from the cross: “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). The Apostle Paul was telling us how to love in a world of imperfect people, including ourselves, when he said, “Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil” (1 Cor. 13:4–5). (“That We May Be One,” Ensign, May 1998, 66)

The sacramental prayer will remind us every week of how the gift of unity can come through obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ. When we keep our covenants to take His name upon us, to remember Him always, and to keep all His commandments, we will receive the companionship of His Spirit. That will soften our hearts and unite us.  God be with you as you knit your heart together in companionship and fully realize the privilege that is yours as representatives of Jesus Christ.

Mahal kita
President Clark
Unity in One
If ye are not one, ye are not mine
The laws of heaven decree
That men should seek for Godly gifts
Of love and unity.

Be one in purpose, mind and heart
Inclusive of all men.
Seek common ground, build bonds of trust,
From this will peace begin.

If ye are not one, ye are not mine,
In unity we’re strong.
But query this – If we’re not one,

To whom do we belong?

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
October 24, 2016

Sisters & Elders:

As we approach the mid-point of our focused study of “Ministering Through the Atonement” I want to offer added emphasis to make this learning more meaningful.  Our excursion through this marvelous doctrine reminds me of the words of Dr. Seuss, “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...” (Oh, The Places You'll Go!)  You must decide where we will go with this fresh harvest of Atonement knowledge.  Knowledge alone is merely having clarity of facts and truths.  We need the wisdom to use our knowledge of the Atonement in important and productive ways.

For missionaries the most expedient application of the Atonement is in our preaching.   Preach My Gospel offers us essential Atonement wisdom.  First, “as your understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ grows, your desire to share the gospel will increase. (PMG p.2)” Second, “you show your love for the Lord and gratitude for His Atonement by bringing souls unto Him. (PMG p. 11)” Third, “when we have faith in Christ, we accept and apply His Atonement and His teachings. We trust Him and what He says. (PMG p. 61)

The beauty and genius of the Atonement is that it is never beyond our grasp.  The Savior is always standing by, anxiously longing to endow us with those powers that will convert our every weakness to a strength.  The enabling power of the Atonement strengthens us to do good and serve beyond our own individual desire and natural capacity.  (Elder David A. Bednar)  These truths are well tested and proven in missionary work.  The challenge for us is in the conversion of Atonement knowledge to effective missionary work which fulfills our purpose. 

I believe faith is the critical bridge between knowledge and wisdom.  Again, from Preach My Gospel we read: “The first principle of the gospel is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith in Christ leads to action. Having faith causes us to try as hard as we can to learn about and become more like our Savior. Faith [in Him and His Atonement] leads to action, including repentance, obedience, and dedicated service.  You accomplish what the Lord wants you to accomplish. You help bring about good in your own life and the lives of others. You are able to do miracles according to the Lord’s will. Your faith will be manifest through diligence and work. 

Elders and Sister, please read again (and again) the bold sentences above.  THEY DESCRIBE MISSIONARY WORK!  As missionaries, we repent, obey and serve.  Bringing souls unto Him is what he wants us to accomplish. We are here to do miracles. His work and will is realized through our labor.  And all of this requires great faith.

Faith is a principle of action and power. God works by power, but His power is usually exercised
in response to faith (see Moroni 10:7).  Christ hath said: If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me. (See Moroni 7:33).  This is the promise of the Atonement – the enabling power to do what he needs us to do. Doubt and fear are opposed to faith. Faith will increase through diligent study, prayer, dedicated service, and obedience to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and the commandments.

As we study the Atonement for these two months we will treasure up great stores of Atonement knowledge.  Our faith must become the catalyst to put the Atonement’s enabling power into action in our daily missionary work.  May we be faithful and faith-filled enough to do so.

Mahal kita
President Clark

October 20, 2016
October 19, 2016
To the Families of Philippines Angeles Missionaries:
Super Typhoon HAIMA (LAWIN) is tracking towards landfall tonight  in the most northerly portion of Luzon, well outside our mission.  The storm is strong and moving relatively fast.  It now has sustained winds in excess of 160 mph.   But because Haima will reach land so far north we will be spared significant rain and wind forces. 
Forecasters predict rain to start in our area late Wednesday evening and continuing through the night.   The impact on the Philippines Angeles Mission will be less than the previous typhoon but more than previously forecast because the storm track has drifted south further into Angeles Mission. We anticipate rainfall totals of less than 2 inches in the hardest hit areas. By Philippines standards that is not a lot of rain.
Today Sister Clark and I drove through the most northern portion of the mission.  The weather was calm with only a few rain sprinkles.  The missionaries are in good spirits, well informed about the coming typhoon and ready to deal with the coming rain and wind.  Missionaries in the five northern zones will, as a precaution, be confined to houses from 6:00 pm local time Wednesday until 12:00 pm on Thursday.  The southern zones of the mission will see much less storm activity.  Work has been restricted and all missionaries are on alert and will stay out of the rain and standing water in their areas.  The storm will exit the Philippines Thursday afternoon.
Precautions to protect our missionaries have been taken.  Communications between and among missionaries remains strong and reliable.  This morning four companionships of elders were evacuated from Baler Zone in advance of this storm  because of the unique geography of Baler and the distance from the rest of the mission population.  All missionaries will be staying close to their secure houses while the storm presents the greatest risk.  
The threat is much lower with this storm but our vigilance remains high.  Our first priority remains protecting missionaries and members in the Angeles Mission.  Your prayers are powerful and meaningful to us.  Thank you. We will send more communications over the next 24 hours as the storm moves past us.

President Scott and Sister Sandra Clark

October 18, 2016

To the Families of Philippines Angeles Missionaries:

We are having a busy weather week here in the Angeles Mission. You may be aware of our second typhoon - HAIMA (LAWIN) now spinning in the Philippines Sea heading toward the Northern Philippines.  The storm track is taking it over the most northerly portion of Luzon.  The impact on the Philippines Angeles Mission will be much less than the previous storm.

Forecasters predict the storm will strengthen into a super typhoon in the next 24 hours.  It will likely have winds in excess of 150 mph in its core as it makes landfall on Wednesday. But because Haima is expected to reach land so far north we will be spared significant forces of rain and wind. We anticipate rainfall amounts of less than 2 inches during the 24 hours the storm is moving through. Areas in the northern portion of the mission will have the greatest rain and wind. The southern zones will see much less storm activity. Typhoons can be unpredictable and a sudden change of course may happen.  We are watching closely to assure that we can react appropriately should the storm turn or suddenly strengthen.  The storm will likely exit the Philippines Thursday afternoon.

Precautions are again being taken to protect our missionaries.  They are checking and re-stocking their 72 hour kits, keeping emergency cash on hand, maintaining their cell phones charged and staying away from flood prone areas.  No missionaries are being evacuated in advance of this storm but should conditions worsen in any specific area or house the missionaries have evacuation plans to move to higher ground and safer housing.  All missionaries will be staying close to their secure, solid houses while the storm presents the greatest risk.  Our missionaries are well practices now and they will stay in communication with mission leaders during the storm.

The threat is much lower with this storm but our vigilance remains the same.  Our first priority remains to protect missionaries and members in the Angeles Mission.  We all stand as strong witnesses that God watches over us in stormy times.  Thank you again for your prayers.  We will send similar communication to you over the next 24 hours as the situation changes and circumstances permit.

President Scott and Sister Sandra Clark

Philippines Angeles Mission

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
October 17, 2016

Dear Elders and Sisters:

As you read this today we are looking back on a very wet weekend and thinking about the impact Typhoon Karen has had on our mission and the people of Northern Luzon.  Hopefully, our thoughts will be of gratitude for the safekeeping we have received during the storm.  Possibly we are also considering how we can help those around us who have suffered because of the damaging winds and rains of the typhoon.  The days following any destructive event such as this should be a time of looking upward and outward– in thanks and service to God and others.  In reality they are one in the same.  See Mosiah 2:17.

As I write this letter on Friday afternoon I have great faith and trust that divine protection will be ours and we will be spared significant harm for all our missionaries and members.  But this outcome is not assured so we will continue over the next few days as a mission to supplicate God in sincere prayer for heaven-sent shelter and wisdom that all will be well as the storm passes by.

Some will look back on this typhoon as a great trial to our mission.  It may well be.  We naturally wonder “why”?   Why is a typhoon allowed to disrupt or even destroy the hard work and great faith of the Angeles mission in October-Blest?  Why couldn’t God have directed this storm another place so that we could see the success we want it, when we want it?

Unlike some in the world who do not understand the purposes of trials, Latter-day Saints, in large measure do understand.  The restored gospel give insight into why even the righteous representatives of Jesus Christ have to endure trials?  Here are a few thoughts.  First, we must keep trials in perspective.  God is true and the righteous are tested but the Lord delivers them.  “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. (Psalm 34:19)  Next, after much tribulation come the blessings.  “Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter. . . . For after much tribulation come the blessings. [D&C 58:3–4]

We should remember that there would be even more suffering and trials if it were not for the righteous in the land:  “If it were not for the prayers of the righteous, who are now in the land, that ye would even now be visited with utter destruction. . . . But it is by the prayers of the righteous that ye are spared. (Alma 10:22–23)  It is worth noting that over the past few months four very large typhoons have traversed the Philippines Sea, any one of which could have done great harm to this country.  Each of them miraculously skirted the Philippines and hit China and Japan.

The stumbling blocks and trials of life will teach us if we are willing to learn.  Suffering teaches obedience.  “And my people must needs be chastened until they learn obedience, if it must needs be, by the things which they suffer.” (D&C 105:6)  Suffering also teaches patience and faith.
“Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith. (Mosiah 23:21)  We must be patient in afflictions, “for thou shalt have many; but endure them, for, lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days.” [D&C 24:8]

Aren’t these profound truths telling us why we have trials on our missions? We, of all people, ought to stand and humbly bear testimony of how God’s great love can be found in the troubles and challenges we face. Of course, no one knows all the purposes of God or why some storms of life are allowed to afflict us. That is only known by the Lord.  We must move forward in faith with knowledge that He is a loving father and benevolent supreme being.

Truly the Lord knows the end from the beginning and will tutor, correct, mold, and even refine us in the furnace of affliction. He will do so until He has accomplished His purposes in purifying us, sanctifying us, and helping us draw closer to Him.  He uses trying circumstances for His purposes to develop true disciples of Christ, even His beloved missionaries. Typhoon Karen soaked our weekend but it will not drown October-Blest.  The storm has passed and we now will go back to work, fulfilling our purpose to teach repentance and baptize converts.  That we may endure well, learn much and move ahead in great faith with this wonderful work is my prayer.

Mahal kita
President Clark

October 14, 2016
10:30 p.m.

To the Families of Philippines Angeles Missionaries:

Many of you are aware of tropical storm SARIKA (KAREN) out in the Philippines Sea heading towards the Philippines.  The storm is being closely monitored by the Church’s Philippines Area Office with regular bulletins to Mission Presidents.  Currently the storm is tracking a path taking it over northern Luzon, impacting all of the Philippines Angeles Mission.  The storm is forecast to make landfall this weekend in Aurora province and then traverse across the island of Luzon.

Government weather forecasters predict the storm will strengthen into a typhoon in the next 36 hours.  It will likely have winds of 100 to 120 mph as it moves across our mission.  Sakira is expected to hit land early Sunday morning and should move swiftly across the Philippines dumping brief but intense rains.  We anticipate rainfall amounts of 5 to 10 inches depending upon the location within the mission.  Areas of the western side of the mission will have lesser rain and wind. The eastern side will incur the most severe weather. Typhoons can be unpredictable and a sudden change of course may happen.  We are watching closely to assure that we can react appropriately should the storm turn or suddenly strengthen.  The storm will exit the Philippines Sunday evening.

Precautions have already been taken to protect our missionaries.  Missionary preparations include checking and stocking their 72 hour kits, having emergency cash on hand, keeping their cell phones charged and staying away from flood prone areas and high standing water.   Your missionary has been alerted to prepare for the storm in his/her specific area.  Missionaries in low lying areas on the eastern coast of Luzon (Baler and Dingalan) have already been evacuated far inland to much higher ground and safer housing.  All missionaries will be restricted to their secure, solid houses while the storm presents the greatest risk.  They know to stay in communication with mission leaders should any situation cause concern.

Know that great vigilance is being exercised to protect missionaries and members in the Angeles Mission.  We are prayerful and faith filled, knowing that God watches over us.  Thank you for your prayers.  We will send similar communication to you over the next 48 hours as the situation changes and circumstances permit.  Once the storm has passed we will provide a follow-up letter to you.
President Scott and Sister Sandra Clark
Philippines Angeles Mission

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
October 10, 2016

Dear Sisters & Elders:

Thoughts about Thoughts.  A former mission president once remarked about the frequency with which missionaries in their personal interviews would ask him this question: “President, how do I control my thoughts?” He went on to explain that in the intensive mission environment, where a extraordinary level of spirituality was so essential to the success of the missionaries, it didn’t take long for young men and young women to realize that a high level of spiritual power was necessary for them in order to succeed and that thoughts were the key that power and influence. (See Elder Dean L. Larsen, First Quorum of the Seventy, BYU Address, July 1976)

Thoughts have a great deal to do with how we live, whether we’re enthusiastic or depressed, whether we enjoy success or experience a degree of failure, whether we enjoy spirituality or suffer from a lack of it, and in many respects whether we are obedient or disobedient. The Lord warned in his Sermon on the Mount against the influence of evil or negative thoughts. Proverbs tells us that as a man “thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). To paraphrase that slightly, it would be very accurate to say that, as a man persists in his thinking, so he will become. There is that kind of power in thoughts. There is that kind of importance in the thoughts we choose to entertain.  This causes many missionaries to wonder, “How much influence does Satan have over my thoughts?”  In an article in the Liahona, April 2015 we learn this:

Our Heavenly Father ensures that we have moral agency, the ability to choose good or evil. He won’t force us to do good, and the devil can’t force us to do evil (see Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 214).  So, when it comes to your thoughts, the devil has only as much influence as you’re willing to give him. The Prophet Joseph Smith said, “Satan cannot seduce us by his enticements unless we in our hearts consent and yield” (Teachings: Joseph Smith, 213). He also said, “The devil has no power over us only as we permit him” (214).

In addition, the scriptures tell us that “there is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart” (D&C 6:16), so Satan doesn’t actually know what you’re thinking. He can only offer temptations and enticements. But if you choose to follow them, he gains greater power over you and the temptations get stronger. By the same token, if you resist evil and choose good, you will be strengthened and blessed.

The truth is we are accountable for the thoughts we bring into our minds.  The power is within us to cast out inappropriate thoughts and to cultivate thoughts that are fit for a missionary mind. May we exercise the supremacy God gave us to control our thoughts. May we be blessed with a desire to guide our thoughts into those channels where ideas that are good and true will be sustained, where evil can be avoided.  I bear testimony to you today, elders and sisters, that there is great power in thoughts and that, if we will exercise control and develop the discipline which is needed to sustain pure, positive, constructive thinking, there will be great blessings come into our lives.

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
October 3, 2016

Elders & Sisters:

October is upon us and the Mission Training Plan directs us to the study of the Atonement.  As we pursue our quest to become able ministers, the Atonement becomes very important.  It is critical to our development of Christ-like ministry that we understand the role the Atonement must have in our everyday lives.  Elder David A. Bednar explained the enabling power of the Atonement beautifully in a talk given at BYU in October 2001. Consider these statements and the power of the Atonement to help us change.

“The gospel of Jesus Christ encompasses much more than avoiding, overcoming, and being cleansed from sin and the bad influences in our lives; it also essentially entails doing good, being good, and becoming better. To have our hearts changed by the Holy Spirit such that "we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually" (Mosiah 5:2), as did King Benjamin's people, is the covenant responsibility we have accepted. This mighty change is not simply the result of working harder or developing greater individual discipline. Rather, it is the consequence of a fundamental change in our desires, our motives, and our natures made possible through the Atonement of Christ the Lord.”

“Hands are made clean through the process of putting off the natural man and by overcoming sin and the evil influences in our lives through the Savior's Atonement. Hearts are purified as we receive His strengthening power to do good and become better. All of our worthy desires and good works, as necessary as they are, can never produce clean hands and a pure heart. It is the Atonement of Jesus Christ that provides both a cleansing and redeeming power that helps us to
overcome sin and a sanctifying and strengthening power that helps us to become better than we ever could by relying only upon our own strength. The infinite Atonement is for both the sinner and for the saint in each of us.

“I suspect that you and I are much more familiar with the nature of the redeeming power of the
Atonement than we are with the enabling power of the Atonement…. But we also need to appreciate that the Lord desires, through His Atonement and by the power of the Holy Ghost, to live in us—not only to direct us but also to empower us. I think most of us know that when we do things wrong, when we need help to overcome the effects of sin in our lives, the Savior has paid the price and made it possible for us to be made clean through His redeeming power. Most of us clearly understand that the Atonement is for sinners. I am not so sure, however, that we know and understand that the Atonement is also for saints—for good men and women who are obedient and worthy and conscientious and who are striving to become better and serve more faithfully. I frankly do not think many of us “get it” concerning this enabling and strengthening aspect of the Atonement, and I wonder if we mistakenly believe we must make the journey from good to better and become a saint all by ourselves through sheer grit, willpower, and discipline, and with our obviously limited capacities. Brothers and sisters, the gospel of the Savior is not simply about avoiding bad in our lives; it also is essentially about doing and becoming good. And the Atonement provides help for us to overcome and avoid bad and to do and become good. There is help from the Savior for the entire journey of life— from bad to good to better and to change our very nature.”

My dear missionaries, dig deep into the principles of the power of the Atonement.  Contemplate the scriptures and the words of modern prophets and apostles as they help us to “get it”.  Grace – the enabling power – is available to us on condition of our faith and repentance. We must learning it, live it and teach it.

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
September 26, 2016

Dear Missionaries:

In the Bible the Savior prayed to the Father for his disciples: “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.” (John 17:15.)  The Lord recognized that his followers are needed in the world to help save Heavenly Father’s children who must live in this fallen condition.  But he also asked that heavenly powers be sent to protect the saints from the evils of the world.  What we experience in worldly settings such as shopping malls, palengkes and the Internet can create a web of decadence that may trap a careless missionary.

We may become stained or possibly even tainted by what we are in contact with.  President Hinckley, when first presenting the Proclamation on the Family in 1995, made an interesting reference to stains.  In speaking of the deception of the world and decline of moral values he warned, “of [the] allurement and enticement to take on the slow stain of the world”.  I’m fascinated with the imagery of that phrase - “the slow stain of the world”.  The stain the prophet warned of is very threatening.  The world’s stain is caused by media and advertising that promotes and even glamorizes immodesty, gadgets, and other temporal cravings that colors our thoughts and behavior.  It changes the tone of our character, even our very soul.

Missionaries need to influence more than we are influenced. We must stay far from this tide of sin and evil instead of passively being swept along in it.  I like this simple little poem:

All the water in the world
No matter how it tried
Could never sink the smallest ship
Unless it got inside.
All the evil of the world
And every kind of sin
Could never damn a human soul
Unless we let it in.

Elders and Sisters, we can live in the world without letting the world stain our souls.  We are best protected from unwanted stains by staying far away from places where stains can color our and thoughts and emotions.  We must steer clear of worldly trends and teachings that expose us to corrupting falsehoods, fads, morals and media. We need to use the utmost care on the Internet to avoid degrading and immoral materials which taint our minds with images and memories that deprive us of the Spirit.  We should stand in holy places (D&C 87:8, 101:22) to preserve us from the desolations of our day – “for a defense, and a refuge from the storm (D&C 115:6).  Such sacred places can include the sacred temples, our chapels and our homes. 

Conversely, the great and spacious hallways and stores of shopping malls are not holy places.  While useful for meeting our needs for food and consumer goods we must acknowledge the mall environment does not protect us from the slow stain of the world.  To the contrary, the malls are more likely to house and glorify the evils we want to avoid.  As one missionary admitted to me, he feels “dirty” when leaving the mall.   We all would be wise to minimize – even avoid, if possible -- frequent visits or long-term exposure to shopping malls.  We have been warned in scripture that as the world becomes a place of war between good and evil we will be kept safe only if we stand in holy places.  Let’s stay safe and clean from the slow stain of the world as we work to save the world from sin.

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
September 19, 2016

Elders and Sisters:

During transfers this past week some missionaries have questioned what goes into transfer decisions.  Today I’ll share with you what happens in the transfer process.  First, you should know that transferring missionaries is one of the most deeply spiritual actions a mission president must take.  No two transfers are the same.  There are many variables and influences with each transfer period.  However, one constant is the influence of Hand of the Lord in transfers.

I begin work on a transfer about eight weeks before the transfer date.  I start with assessing our needs and resources for training.  Then I think about mission leadership and ward/branch needs.  I get many inputs including missionary letters, phone calls, member leader requests, zone leader, sister training leader and district leader comments, personal observations, interviews, Sister Clark and, of course, the Spirit.  The Mission Presidents’ Handbook instructs me as follows:
·         Consider the needs of the missionary and the mission
·         Assign missionaries in the most populated areas where the potential for developing strong Church leadership is greatest
·         Assign missionaries where members take an active part in missionary work
·         Assign strong missionaries with those needing support
·         Give missionaries a variety of experiences
·         Transfer missionaries as infrequently as possible

We begin transfer deliberations with a prayer and always end with fervent prayer for confirmation that our work is aligned with God’s will.  I will always fast for guidance in making the many decisions that go into the transfer process.  With every transfer I see multiple miracles.  I see the validity and inspiration of individual transfer decisions immediately after the transfer announcement as well as months later.  At times, transfer decisions are very easy and come quickly.  In other cases I will struggle for weeks for the revelation I need.  Many times I learn lessons in patience.  The Lord always has a plan and he reveals bits and pieces to me when the time is right for me, the mission and the missionaries involved.  I’ve even has occasions when the Spirit has shielded me from certain information knowing that if I had it I would be influenced to make a wrong decision.   The Savior’s love for our mission and individual missionaries is plainly demonstrated with every transfer experience.

Some transfer decisions are made primarily for the good of the mission.  At other times the needs of a specific missionary must be addressed and so a transfer is accomplished. There are cases when one missionary may feel him/herself an unwilling and unfairly treated participant in a transfer.  To such missionaries I will refer you to D&C 25:4.  It is good instruction for those of us who want fairness in every aspect of life.  Perfect fairness isn’t always possible when making transfers and we must look to the greater good.

I can testify that every transfer is inspired of God, even when the immediate consequences seems otherwise.  The Lord will test the faith and patience (Mos. 23:21) of his people and even chasten us because of his love.  We seldom like these times but if we will trust his wisdom and prove ourselves worthy, all things will work together for our good.  I thank you for your faith and long-suffering at transfer time.  You delight and amaze me with your obedience and diligence.

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
September 12, 2016

Elders and Sisters:

It’s starting to happen.

Angeles missionaries are putting their faith, diligence and desire to the test.   Elders and sisters are proving the promises of the Lord by obedience, long-suffering and hard work.  I see it, hear it and feel it in our mission.  OCTOBER-BLEST is becoming a reality as seeds are planted, experiments of faith are taking place and blessings are realized over and over again.  Read a few of the many experiences missionaries related to me.

“A big change in the mission is finally happening. …This is the perfect time to test the Lord to prove that He can bless us for having the faith to use the Four Missionary Tools in our areas. We already baptized weekly in August, so if we did it once, we’ll do it again. I know that through our faith and diligence we can do hard things. With Follow-up 200 and 8/30 member visit we were able to find lots of new investigators last week and three of them came to church yesterday. Our focus area is always near the church. We do our best to get all of our investigators on the same streets in our focus area.  Because of the 8/30 member visit our recent convert and one of our investigators started working with us so they could take us to their referrals. They are now fellowshipping the two new investigators that we found. It’s so true that the members can do so much for us, not just sitting at lessons but also picking up investigators to bring to church.”

“This week was great. We've been applying the four tools to our area and the area is already seeing great success. As of today we have every week lined up in October. We're still finding and working to solidify our goals and help people experience true conversion. We're working hard and smart, and being exactly obedient. We're using the members and are finding great success in lesson staffing and referrals. We've received plenty of revelation and are acting on it.”

“We are trying our best to make October-blest happen. As we did Follow-up 200 miracles happened. Our investigators came to church last Sunday.  At first, when Elder Haynie asked us to baptize weekly I am thinking, Is Elder Haynie joking? I had doubts if we can do baptize weekly because two baptisms for each companionship each month is hard to find.  But now I come to realize that my doubts cause my faith to weaken. Now I have little doubt we can baptize weekly.  Making big plans can change everything, especially you're vision to baptize weekly. I can't wait to apply this things when I return home to help our branch to baptize weekly as well.”

“Last week was great. I have learned to focus more on the positives than the negatives. We started working for the October-Blest and we found three new investigators.  They're progressing with the lessons.  Now our biggest struggle is to bring them to Church.  Yesterday also we did lesson staff after Sunday service and I was really shocked with the response of the members.  They were eager to help us. It was really a testimony builder for me.  The tools we have here in the mission, when properly used will bring great results. Our lessons with members present increased. I really like also the concept of “lose 1, find 1”for investigators and the thought came to my mind, why not lose 1 find 5, or 10 or more. I know God has prepared people to receive us, and the message of the Restoration.”

The evidence is mounting that October-Blest is going to bring great success to our mission – real miracles.  This reminds me of the “Miracle Formula” that Elder Shane Bowen brought to Angeles Mission in May 2015. OBEDIENCE + WORK (Faith) = Miracles.  This is a profound piece of knowledge and we are proving it to be true. We all want more miracles in our lives.  We know that faith must precede the miracle and now we know that faith is manifest through our good works.   Doubt not, fear not little flock.  Only believe. 
Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
September 5, 2016

Dear Fellow Servants:

We welcome September and our continuing study of the doctrine of Ministry.  This month we have the rare but important assignment of turning inward to consider our personal ministry.  This is uncommon for missionaries.  We try to be outward focused in the servant mode.  By now I’m sure you see the vital need to minister personally, but do you fully appreciate the importance of discovering your personal ministry?

Preach My Gospel informs us that no missionary has finished their ministry until the
people they teach are living commitments and repenting (see P. 200).  I will tell you that no missionary has really started their ministry until they have begun to understand who they are in God’s plan.  This is a powerful concept that should be a major objective of our life here in mortality and as a missionary. The Prophet Joseph Smith stated, “Every man who has a calling to minister to the inhabitants of the world was ordained to that very purpose in the Grand Council of heaven before this world was.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith) This knowledge should changes how we act and what we do with our lives.  Think of it – we each have a personal ministry which was divinely appointed. 

What is my personal ministry?  This is a question Elder Robert C. Oaks of the Seventy tells us to pursue with vigor.  “While you are here, you owe it to yourself to make an extra effort to discover, in every detail possible, who you really are—to discover your true potential and your eternal potential in God’s plan.”  “We are each individuals with singular talents, strengths, opportunities, and challenges. We are as individual as are our fingerprints or our DNA. … We believe we are foreordained to come to earth at a particular time into particular circumstances and that our particular set of gifts, attitudes, and talents—if properly developed and employed—will enable us to fulfill our foreordained purpose.” 

As we diligently magnify our mission calls and love and obey the Lord, our personal ministry unfolds.  It is true, that our ministry extends beyond this temporary mission and our short personal assignments as companions, sister training leaders, zone leaders, district leaders, and so on.  However, we can often learn more about our personal ministry through our callings and assignments. Sister Bonnie Parkin, former Relief Society general president shared this insight about how our callings/assignments give us discernment of our personal ministry:  “Look at these assignments with new eyes. They are great opportunities to minister to each other. Do you know the hearts of those you serve? Do you spend time with them? Do you listen and give them the great gift of knowing they have been heard and understood? It takes time and energy, but it is so important! I testify that as you seek for inspiration, you will not only know how best to serve others but will better understand your own personal ministry.”

Elders and Sisters, make this month a time of exploration and reflection.  A time to follow the counsel of prophets and apostles to discover or re-discover who you are and why you are here.  In a world so filled with despairing souls lacking a sense of personal worth and individual purpose, it is most uplifting to know that each one of us is endowed, from on high, with both spiritual gifts and a divinely appointed ministry.   This knowledge is life changing at a personal level and mission changing, one missionary at a time.

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
August 29, 2016

Elders and Sisters:

The Savior advised his ancient disciples to closely examine fruits.  He was not speaking about shopping trips to the palengke.  Jesus taught that: “every good tree bringeth forth good fruits; … A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit; neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.  Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. (Matt. 7:15–20)  About two years ago we adopted Follow Up 200 in Angeles Mission.  Just a few months after missionaries started diligently using Follow Up 200 the good fruits appeared in great abundance.  Let me share a few of the many comments I received from missionaries telling of their experiences with Follow Up 200.

One Elder wrote: “This week was really great! We have been using Follow Up 200 and it has really helped us in ways that we didn't think were possible. One of our investigators who has struggled with smoking for 30+ years has made huge progress. I believe it is because we are going out of our way to make daily visits with him. We are witnessing little miracles here. I am loving my mission and am very happy. We should have 7 baptisms this month; 2 this week and 5 next week.”

Another missionary reported: “We have been reaping the rewards of Follow Up 200. Within one week we were able to find the very souls Heavenly Father has prepared for us for the next 2 months. Not only that, these very souls were found in only the 2 areas we decided to focus on.  It has been a miraculous week and I don't even know where to begin. Follow Up 200 has taught me a lot about being more sensitive to the Spirit and its teaching to do more than just teach but to also help investigators make and keep commitments.”

A Zone Leader wrote: “In the past months we had a real hard time in finding new investigators. Before we also struggled in committing people to go to church.  But now we have miracles really happening. Last Sunday 7 investigators attended our sacrament meeting. I can really see the miracles happening because of Follow Up 200.  I am now bold in telling our missionaries to implement this. This is not just a program or idea of a person but I know it’s a revelation from a servant of God.”

And finally I received this testimony: “We are really excited about Follow Up 200 and are doing our best to apply it. It’s going well!  We have a cool investigator that basically loves reading the Book of Mormon and reads it super-fast!  She is really progressing and keeps all the commitments we give. I know it’s because we are applying Follow Up 200 and stopping by every day.  I think Follow up 200 is really going to help this mission and it already is. It is helping my district as they seem a lot happier.

This is just a small sample of the reports I received of early success with Follow Up 200.  Many missionaries harvested convert baptisms because of exact implementation of Follow Up 200.  Last week our Assistants taught us of the value and virtues of Follow Up 200 in zone conferences.  I hope you felt the power and conviction of their testimonies.  This is not just a program.  It is ministering as the Savior would minister.  It is a tool of pure missionary work as taught my modern prophets and apostles and set forth in Preach My Gospel.  The evidence is in the fruit it yields.  Now is the time of harvest!

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
August 22, 2016

Sisters & Elders:

This week we are called to conference.  By direction of the Quorum of the Twelve, we hold zone conferences once every ninety days.  Please come eager and ready to fulfill the purposes of our conference.  D&C Section 44 details those purposes:

Behold, thus saith the Lord unto you my servants, it is expedient in me that the elders of my church should be called together, from the east and from the west, and from the north and from the south, by letter or some other way. And it shall come to pass, that inasmuch as they are faithful, and exercise faith in me, I will pour out my Spirit upon them in the day that they assemble themselves together.  And it shall come to pass that they shall go forth…, and preach repentance unto the people.  And many shall be converted …, your enemies may not have power over you; you may be preserved in all things; you may be enabled to keep my laws.

This scripture outlines our purposes in meeting and also extends promised blessings.  If we come prepared and worthy, exercising faith in Jesus Christ, He will pour out His Spirit upon us as we assemble. We will learn and then we shall go forth into our assigned areas, and preach repentance unto the people. Many shall be converted, our enemies will not have power over us; we may be preserved in all things; we will be enabled to keep God’s laws.  What powerful and compelling promises!  Little wonder zone conferences were once held every transfer period. 

Zone conferences are special.  We should treat them as such.  Elder Robert D. Hales taught this about Church conferences (including zone conferences): “These conferences are always under the direction of the Lord, guided by His Spirit. Through fasting, praying, studying, and pondering, speakers learn the message that He wants them to give.  Conference messages come after prayerful preparation, through the Holy Ghost.  This principle is true for all members of the Church as we prepare to participate in conferences.  In conferences we can receive the word of the Lord meant just for us. This is possible because the Holy Ghost carries the word of the Lord unto our hearts in terms we can understand.  What is said is not as important as what we hear and what we feel. That is why we make an effort to experience conference in a setting where the still, small voice of the Spirit can be clearly heard, felt, and understood.”

This week’s conference is intended to be the capstone of our two month study of faith. Sister Clark and I, the Assistants and our Sister Training Leaders will come prepared to help each of us to fulfill our purpose as missionaries and realize the promises of an inspired zone conference.  Please prepare to do your part.  Specifically, I request the following:
1.      Pray for spiritual experiences at zone conference.  Prepare questions you want answered.
2.      When taking notes at zone conference, don’t always write down exactly what the speaker is saying; note the personalized direction the Spirit is giving you.
3.      Bring the printed, marked up copies of the “Faith” study articles that I have sent you by email in July and August.  Several missionaries will be called upon to share their thoughts about faith during the conference.
4.      Thoroughly review the topic of “Faith” in Preach My Gospel, Chapter 6.

Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start time.  Sit reverently and study scriptures prior to the conference.  Gathering for a missionary conference is a sacred duty and opportunity. Together we will make it a special event.

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
August 15, 2016

Dear Missionaries:

Thank you so very much (maraming-maraming salamat) for sending me your thoughts and interpretations of Luke 8:22-25.  Your pondering and introspection over the question “Where is your faith?” was incredibly enlightening and thought-provoking.  So many of you had truly insightful and edifying opinions and reflections.  You made me proud!  Please read a few of the responses shared by your fellow missionaries.

I feel that we must have faith in Him to see this miracles in our area. Let us choose faith over doubt. Let us choose faith over fear. I know that God will help those who exercise faith in Him.

I learned that this past month, I don`t have enough faith in my work. I feel ashamed of myself, because I know that there are more days in which I don`t show enough faith in my work, and in my area. And in my investigators. When I see our investigators lack interest in our message, it affects my enthusiasm to teach them and I lose the Spirit. I know that this is what Jesus Christ wants to tell me and remind me, that no matter what trials or challenges I may encounter, I must show faith that He is there to save me, and He is there to give me strength.

I found the question interesting because we have to have faith to accept the Lord’s will for us. We have faith if things go the way we want. But if our will is not God’s will then sometimes we don't accept it. Being from the India mission this hit home for me. I prayed that I would go back to India but that's not what God’s will is for me and it actually took me some time to realize this is where God wants me to be. So I understand now that we need to even have faith that what we want to happen might not happen and accept it. My faith is in my heart and it grows every day.

My faith is in the Savior Jesus Christ. I may sometimes feel discouraged to move forward but that's mostly me listening to incorrect sources. If I listen closely, I'll hear the voice of my Savior cheering for me to finish the race. My faith is a gift from God nourished by the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Through Him I can do all things. I may fall short sometimes but I know the Lord looketh on my commitment and effort to strive to try again and never fail again.

What came to my mind is just how much our Savior loves us. I think that is evidenced by the fact that he asked that question AFTER the miracle. Perhaps he wanted to give his disciples every possible opportunity for their hearts to be touched and realize just exactly who He is and what that means for them. In the wake of the miracle I'm sure the disciples pondered deeply the question of where exactly they are placing their faith. Is it in Christ? Themselves? or something or someone else? But with the miracle having just occurred to confirm the faith they did show by waking Jesus. Jesus asked the question giving them an amazing opportunity to solidify in their minds that their faith should be and must be in Him.

We can learn many good lessons from this scripture passage.  I have dozens of these profound insights that missionaries have written.  I wish I could publish many more.  Your deep and abiding faith in Jesus Christ became very obvious as I read your submissions.  I will be looking for the place and time to share more.  God bless you Sisters and Elders for your great faith and unfailing dedication to Jesus Christ and missionary work.

Mahal kita po kayo
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
August 8, 2016

Dear Missionaries:

In the Gospel of Luke we read a short story of faith. It serves nicely today for me to teach principles of faith too often overlooked. From Luke 8 we read:

22 Now it came to pass on a certain day, that he went into a ship with his disciples: and he said unto them, Let us go over unto the other side of the lake. And they launched forth.
23 But as they sailed he fell asleep: and there came down a storm of wind on the lake; and they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy.
24 And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, master, we perish. Then he arose, and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm.
25 And he said unto them, Where is your faith? And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another, What manner of man is this! for he commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey him.

“Where is your faith?” - a thought starting question for all of us.  Most interpret the question in this story as a stern rebuke of his disciples; chastisement for their failure to exercise enough faith in the face of danger.  May I suggest an alternative explanation for this question in the context of what happened that day on the water?  I find it helpful to me in considering the question - “Where is your faith?”  I see the question from a different aspect as I closely examine the sequence of events that day.

First, the disciples find themselves in peril on a stormy sea.  They know the Lord is with them but is not attentive to their fears.  Second, their anxiety leads them to exercise a little faith by waking him and informing him of their pending doom.  Let’s give them credit for that initial seedling of faith – they acted in belief that he could and would save them.  Third, Jesus arose, “and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm.” The Lord exercised dominion over the elements.  A miracle occurred.  Calm was restored.  Finally, Jesus used that moment of wonder and astonishment to teach of faith.

I find it meaningful that Jesus asked the soul searching question - “Where is your faith?” after the disciples witnessed the miracle.  If the Lord had wanted to scold the disciples, probably the more timely and powerful moment to pose the question would have been when they were most in fear, when the storm was still raging.  By holding the question until peace was restored and emotions settled the Savior caused his disciples to ponder the question of their faith after having experienced a lifesaving miracle.  They were forced to think about where they were placing their faith in light of the power and benevolence Jesus had just displayed in their lives.

We can learn a few good lessons from this story.  I’d like to know your thoughts.  When you write to me this week please share your ideas.  What did you learn from pondering the Lord’s question: “Where is your faith?”  Give me your interpretation and what it means to you.  Next week I will write my ideas and share some from other Angeles missionaries.

Mahal kita po kayo
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
August 1, 2016

Dear Elders and Sisters:

In 1975 I got what I thought was a dream job.  I was sixteen and planting and picking pineapple in Hawaii for the summer.  My assignment was to the “pineapple island” of Lanai.  The work was hard for a city boy from the Salt Lake valley.  We worked in the deep red volcanic soil of Lanai for 8 to 12 hours a day.  Financially it was not very rewarding but there was a sense of accomplishment that I enjoyed very much.   All of us young “howly” boys arrived in Hawaii with dreams of days in the sun turning our skin a healthy golden brown.  Well something interesting occurred on the way to that perfect suntan.  The rich red volcanic soil of Lanai had as much effect on our skin as the sun.  Yes, our skin was browned by the hot sun, but we also, ever so slowly, became stained by the soil in which we labored.  You see no matter how we washed and scrubbed after each day’s work our skin, almost imperceptibly, took on the orange-red tint of the soil we worked in.  Our skin, our clothes, even our bedding became discolored with the slow red stain of the earth.

So it is with stains.  We become stained or possibly even contaminated by what we are in contact with.  President Gordon B. Hinckley when introducing the Proclamation on the Family in 1995 taught about stains.  In speaking of the deception of the world and decline of moral values he warned, “of [the] allurement and enticement to take on the slow stain of the world”.  His words remind of my experience in Hawaii.  The stain that President Hinckley warned of is far more dangerous than the change in skin color I experienced forty years ago.  The world’s stain colors our thoughts, behavior and even character.  It threatened our mission worthiness and even our eternal destiny.

Think for a moment Sisters and Elders of the worldly distractions and intrusions in your life.  Consider the videos, music, Internet sites, conversations and thoughts that you allow, possibly even invite, into this consecrated life you live.  Are they of a nature and content that meet the standards of the mission?  In them would we find content that encourages you to be “chaste, benevolent and virtuous”?  Do the videos, music, Internet sites, conversations and thoughts you choose help you to be virtuous, lovely, of good report and praiseworthy?  Are you “maintaining the highest standards of conduct and appearance” and “keeping the commandments, living mission rules, and following the counsel of your mission president”?

I like this simple little poem about the influence of evil in our lives:

All the water in the world
No matter how it tried
Could never sink the smallest ship
Unless it got inside.
All the evil of the world
And every kind of sin
Could never harm a human soul
Unless we let it in.

We can live in the world without letting the world into us.  Remember, evil seldom breaks down the door, into our lives.  Instead, as Elder M. Russell Ballard taught,  “Intelligent evil is too cunning for that….,  The attacks are subtle and amoral, causing some to believe that because everyone is doing it, it must be all right.”

The slow stain of evil is all around us.  President Hinckley warned of lewd and lascivious materials and instructed, “If there be any man [or woman] within the sound of my voice involved in [inappropriate materials or thoughts], I plead with you to get it out of your life.  Get away from it.  Stay away from it.”  We can’t indulge in those staining, degrading influences of the world and expect to escape the ugly discoloration.  The influences are too strong. We must pray as the Savior prayed, that God may keep us from the evil.  May the Lord bless us and help us to protect ourselves, our companions, and the spirit of our homes. 

Mahal kita po kayo
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
July 25, 2016

Dear Missionaries:

Why do you love your Savior?”

During this month’s zone interviews I’ve asked this specific question of each missionary.  From the look on the faces of many elders and sisters it is a question of first impression.  It seems I catch most elders and sisters by surprise, never having had to explain why they feel the way they feel about Jesus Christ.  The question presumes that the missionary does indeed love their Savior and Redeemer and that has proven to be a very safe assumption.  But what seems to give many missionaries pause is the “why” part of the inquiry.  It’s likely that few young adults have given extensive or significant thought as to why they love Jesus.  Fewer still have been asked for an impromptu explanation for why they hold this most sacred and special emotion. It can be difficult thing to do.

When I first decided to ask this during our quarterly interviews I was expecting to hear responses much like those I receive to other questions I ask; short, simple, polite, nothing too deep or profound.  I expected a few missionaries to remind me of the scriptural commandment.  Jesus himself said: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.” (Matt. 22:37-8)  I underestimated the depth of feelings and knowledge the question would evoke.  It has been a surprise and pure delight to hear the responses I have received. 

While the words are impressive, the emotions I witnessed are quite varied and frequently priceless. In the faces and voices of our missionaries I’ve observed a great range of feeling including complete delight, deep reflection, immediate tears, subdued reverence, choked up exuberance, and quiet introspection.  In their profound and sincere words some missionaries appear to surprise even themselves with what comes out.  Time and time again I have been “blown away” by what I hear.  The superb spiritual insights seem to be endless.  The reasons for loving our Savior sometimes take several minutes to express.  Yet many missionaries give simple powerful explanations in only a few sentences. 

You might wonder what makes these answers so special.  I know I have.  I’ve concluded that the reasons these beautiful statement of our missionaries are so very special to me are: 1) they are based in eternal truths, 2) they are sincere, and 3) they are expressed by authorized representatives of Christ who know Him.  Let me share a few that impressed me.   Several missionaries have mirrored the words of the Apostle John, “I love him, because he first loved me.”  Many missionaries recognize the eternal and universal nature of Jesus and his sacrifice when they say, “He means everything; without Him I am nothing.” One common response is an unfathomable gratitude for His perfect example in everything He did.  Often, missionaries repeat the words of a favorite hymn in explaining their love for the Savior: “I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me” and “I know that my Redeemer lives”.  By far the most common answer to my question starts with this simple phrase – The Atonement.  This is then often followed by tearful expressions of thankfulness for “the most transcendent event that ever has or ever will occur from Creation’s dawn through all the ages of a never-ending eternity. The most important doctrine we can declare. (President Boyd K. Packer)  The Atonement alone is reason enough to love the Savior with all our hearts.

Elders and Sisters, thank you for making our interviews this month so special and meaningful to me.  Volumes probably have and will be written about why we should and can love Jesus Christ.  But I cannot conceive of any way that those words could be any more powerful or intense than what you have shared with me.

Mahal kita po kayo
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
July 18, 2016

Dear Sisters and Elders:

President David O. McKay had a favorite saying (usually attributed to Shakespeare) about doing one’s part.  “What e’er thou art, act well thy part.” he often quoted.  In October 2008 President Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught the principle of doing one’s part with another simple phrase, “lift where you stand.”  As we pass the half-way point of 2016 we should pause to consider how well we are shouldering our share (acting well our part) in meeting our mission goals.  There is no question, it is a “heavy lift” asking that each companionship baptism two investigators each month and match that same level of success with our inactive member rescue.  When we put numbers to it that will be 200 baptisms and 200 LARs each month.  No doubt it will stretch our faith, commitment and determination to meet these standards.

I especially address my words to those missionaries who may have doubts about their part.  There are Elders and Sisters feeling burdened by the part they have been asked to bear.  I also see others are just not sure where they stand and question how to lift.  Let me first testify that none of us stands alone in this great pursuit of bringing many souls unto Christ.  As President Uchtdorf taught, lifting where we stand is a principle of power, so long as we stand close together and lift in unison.  That power includes heavenly help. When we undertake God’s work we are entitled to divine assistance.  Heaven helps those who help themselves and that is very true in missionary work.

As missionaries, regularly achieving our “standards of excellence” should be a unifying, bonding and growing objective.  It can become a sanctifying experience.  This is one of the wonderful blessings of working as a mission toward a common divine goal.  Now is a most important time to stand together, close enough to feel each other’s love and support.  We must do our part, but also be part of what others do.  Companionships, districts, zones – the entire mission must stand together and lift; repeating that great accomplishment month after month, time and time again.

We can lift each other’s hopes, vision, spirits, expectations and performance.  We must be willing to “mourn with those who mourn” a lost investigator.  Likewise, we should celebrate with those who cheer another of God’s children coming back to full activity. We should pray for each other, teach one another and encourage each other.  No one stands or lifts alone.  Any missionary feeling left out or left alone should look beyond their own circumstance and join in the joy of this marvelous Zion-like pursuit.

I love the words of unity taught by Bishop Richard G. Edgley formerly of the Presiding Bishopric, “What happens to one happens to all.”  We all rise and fall together.  Let’s work together to make what happens in the rest of 2016 a wonderful experience for all in our mission.  We will create the powerful unifying joy of “studying, believing, loving, living and teaching” the gospel (PMG p.29).

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
July 11, 2016

Dear Missionaries:

You are such able ministers.  You understand what the Lord meant when he said to “remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.”  (D&C 18:10)  Our Savior knows the worth of souls and so he asks that we go to the rescue of those who are lost.  He is concerned about each one of His father’s children. He preached to the poor and healed the lame and broken hearted. He restored sight to the blind. He ate with sinners and confronted the accusers of a woman taken in adultery. He taught us the worth of the human soul in the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son (see Luke 15). In all of His actions He was an example of what He taught when He said, “Love thy neighbor as thyself” (Matthew 19:19).

Because of his life experience in serving others he knew that not everyone we are asked to love and rescue will be lovable.  Some will even refuse our offers of rescue.  For this reason he asked us to endure.  He said, “unto such shall ye continue to minister; for ye know not but what they will return and repent, and come unto me with full purpose of heart, and I shall heal them; and ye shall be the means of bringing salvation unto them.”

Book of Mormon prophets Mormon and his son Moroni we called to minister to a most disagreeable, maybe even despicable people.  They were fully unworthy of the ministering of God’s servants.  As Mormon lamented: (see Moroni 9) “O the depravity of my people! For so exceedingly do they anger that it seemeth me that they have no fear of death; and they have lost their love, one towards another; and they thirst after blood and revenge continually. They are without order and without mercy.  They delight in everything save that which is good; they are without principle, and past feeling.” Yet, Mormon and Moroni kept reaching out to rescue.

Why, we might ask, did Mormon and Moroni keep ministering to such an unreceptive loathsome people?  Because they had been commanded to rescue.  “And now, my beloved son, notwithstanding their hardness, let us labor diligently; for if we should cease to labor, we should be brought under condemnation; for we have a labor to perform whilst in this tabernacle of clay, that we may conquer the enemy of all righteousness, and rest our souls in the kingdom of God.”

Let’s remember Mormon as we try to reach out to a disagreeable less-active member.  Let’s endure in the face of rejection and ridicule by those who have lost their conversion. We have a labor to perform, a personal ministry to fulfill, a rescue to accomplish and with God, all things are possible.

Remember, the Lord said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matt. 25:40).  Let no one underestimate the power of faith and good works in the ordinary Latter-day Saint missionary. The great promise to all of God’s children who truly minister is that one day they may sit at the right hand of the Savior and be received into His presence. May the Lord grant us faith to serve, love, and teach the gospel; to be “able ministers” (2 Cor. 3:6). This is the gospel in action.

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
July 4, 2016

Sisters & Elders:

In July we begin the study of Faith in Ministry.  The fundamentals of this gospel principle are well known to us.  We teach faith in Jesus Christ daily.  We plead with investigators and members to exercise even a particle of faith.  For the next two months our task will be to make faith of such power, prevalence and prominence in our lives that we can readily call down the powers of heaven to assist our ministry.  President Henry B. Eyring has taught that the right to call down the powers of heaven is based in faith. Said he: “You must have faith that God lives and that you have won His confidence to allow you to use His power for His purposes….You are building that faith now for the days ahead when you will need it.”  (See Helaman 10)

To succeed in our personal ministries, we need firm faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith is the first principle of the gospel and the foundation of all other principles.  Without faith we cannot please God nor access his grace.  Faith is a gift of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:8–9; Ephesians 2:8; Moroni 10:8–11).  Faith is a principle of power and action (see Matthew 17:19–21; Ether 12:30; Alma 14:26–28).  The call to action for missionaries is an invitation develop and then utilize faith in fulfilling our divine purpose - bringing souls unto Christ.  Our daily acts of faith – study, prayer, OYM, teaching, pondering, inviting – nurtures the faith we hold and encourages more.  Greater faith impels us to do more works and our diligent works increase our faith.  Upward and forward we move, lifted by faith’s inherent enabling power.  Like Lehi’s family, we will experience many miracles and progress forward as we are hardworking, obedient, vigilant and exercise faith (See Alma 37:40-42).

President Gordon B. Hinckley was man of great faith.   Many years ago he shared his personal prayer for increased faith in the saints.  He said:

“This is my prayer for all of us—‘Lord, increase our faith.’ Increase our faith to bridge the chasms of uncertainty and doubt.  Grant us faith to look beyond the problems of the moment to the miracles of the future. Give us faith to do what is right and let the consequence follow.  Grant us faith when storms of adversity beat us down and drive us to the ground.  Father, grant us faith to follow counsel in the little things that can mean so very much.  Lord, increase our faith in one another, and in ourselves, and in our capacity to do good and great things. This, my brothers and sisters, is my prayer.”

Elders and Sisters, as missionaries of the Lord’s Church, we can increase our faith, if we desire, by going beyond the minimum requirements of the gospel and developing complete trust in the Lord.  Increasing our faith requires trusting the Lord with our whole souls. We must do what is right and serve the Lord because we know, trust, and love Him with all of our souls. We need such faith to regularly and with certainty call down the powers of heaven to assist our ministry.  Please make these next two months of intense study of faith a foundation for your missionary life.  Study faith with an eye to developing a trust in the Lord that will bring about miracles.

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
June 27, 2016

Dear Elders & Sisters:

In the early 1930’s a Chicago businessman named Herbert J. Taylor faced a difficult task.  He was trying to save his company from financial failure. He believed himself to be the only person in the company who had hope. His recovery plan started with changing the ethical climate of the company. He explained:  “The first job was to set policies for the company that would reflect the high ethics and morals God would want in any business.”  He believed that if the people were to think right, they would do right. He needed a simple, easily remembered guide to right conduct to apply to what they thought, said and did.  He later recorded:  “I searched through many books for the answer to our need, but the right phrases eluded me, so I did what I often do when I have a problem I can't answer myself: I turn to the One who has all the answers. I leaned over my desk, rested my head in my hands and prayed. After a few moments, I looked up and reached for a white paper card. Then I wrote down the twenty-four words that had come to me.”  Here are those words:

Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

These four questions probably are familiar to you.  We see them on countless posters and signs throughout the Philippines.  Today they are best known as “The Four-Way Test” of the Rotary Club. It is an ethical statement for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. It can be a valuable guide to all in governing the things we think, say or do.

I ask that we all make this four-way test a part of our mission life.  Lately we have been afflicted with an outbreak of “chicka-chicka” in our mission.  We know this sin by many names: evil-speaking, backbiting, bearing false witness, tsismis or gossip. It has grown to be a destructive and degrading practice of too many missionaries and we must rid ourselves of this.  Our Missionary Handbook reminds us, through scripture:   “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers” (Ephesians 4:29).  “He that speaketh, whose spirit is contrite, whose language is meek and edifieth, the same is of God if he obey mine ordinances” (D&C 52:16). Language is one of our most powerful tools and we must, “let our speech be always with grace” (Colossians 4:6).

When we gossip, we idly discuss someone’s weaknesses or problems when that person is not present. Gossip harms not only those who are being talked about, but also those who gossip and those who listen.  We must be willing to stop gossip when we hear it from other missionaries. The sin also be upon us if we allow the character of others to be assassinated by gossip. Heavenly Father wants us to look for and speak of the good in others and eliminate gossip from our lives.  Gossip is wicked because it 1. Centers on others’ faults, 2. Is blind to good qualities, 3. Is often untrue, 4. Can’t be taken back, 5. Cuts us off from the Lord’s Spirit and from other people, 6. Often is motivated by our own insecurities.  We would be wise to recall the Savior’s words, “Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned”.  Let’s be careful to treat the reputation and name of others with kindness and charity, especially when they are not present. Please remember Sisters and Elders, Thou shalt not speak evil of thy neighbor, nor do him any harm.  (D&C 42:27)

Mahal kita po kayo
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
June 20, 2016

Dear Missionaries:

Please read the letter below as if it were delivered by a father in the ward or branch you serve.

Dear Elder:

I’ve been watching for months now.  I first took notice of you the first Sunday you were in the ward because you took great effort to meet and greet my family.  You and your companion made a point of introducing yourselves to our children.  Your personal attention to our fourteen year old son made quite an impression.  He looks forward each week to your greeting and the few minutes you spend talking with him about what’s going on in his life.  Thank you for treating him like somebody important, not just another kid in the ward.

I admire you each Sunday morning as you eagerly wait to greet investigators.   I know the time waiting at the chapel door for investigators and less-actives to arrive can be agonizing.  It is obvious from your expressions of joy when they come in that you really care for these people.  As I watch I’m reminded of Jesus’ words: “‘Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”  Sometimes it seems you are waiting to welcome the Savior himself.  Thank you for giving us an example of Christ-like love for others.

You have visited our home several times and I appreciate the dignity you exhibit in your dress and conduct.  We see the love and respect you have for your companion.  We feel the reverence you have for your calling. I can’t thank you enough for coming to teach and encourage my family to be better member-missionaries.  Other missionaries have not always been so praiseworthy when visiting our home.  Some make us feel like we are valued as a “free meal” rather than fellow saints.  Thank you for bringing light and truth into our home and leaving us with invitations to be better gospel-sharing members.

I’ve noticed that you are different from most young people your age.  You have purpose and focus in what you do.  It’s hard to describe but it seems you have heard the Master’s voice in your life.  You know Him and do your best to follow him.  I know you are only nineteen and still have some growing up to do but I pray my children will have the same maturity and pure intent when they are young adults. 

I wouldn’t want you to fall into pride because of this letter.  You still have room to improve.  Your confidence need some work and you could do better in planning your schedule.  But your obedience and desire and wonderful attitude set you apart as a great missionary. We hope the Lord allows you to serve here for a long while.  Your service and sacrifice are remarkable and we feel we can trust you.  That may be the best compliment I can offer.  We trust you and know you as a representative of Jesus Christ.  Your parents should be very proud of you.  We love you Elder for serving our ward.


Brother ___________

May we live and serve  to be this kind of missionary.

Mahal kita po kayo
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
June 13, 2016

Dear Elders and Sisters:

Last week I broke a bone in my foot.  Truthfully, the break didn’t cause much pain.  But the after affects are kind of miserable – crutches, big boot, doctor visits, minimal exercise, months of physical restrictions.   This is the third time in my life that I’ve broken a bone and I learn new life lessons with each occurrence.  I’m sure months from now I’ll look back with a new perspective on the gift of healing and the virtues of independent mobility.  But for today, I’m going to draw upon the lessons learned in 2007 when I had an accident in the bone-breaking cold of Chicago.

On a snowy night of December 2007 I fell while running.  The result was a shattered bone in my right hand.  Doctors first thought it best to splint the hand and wait for the bone to heal.  But after a few days and further examination by a hand specialist I was told that I should have a rather complicated surgery.  The surgeon said six titanium screws would be needed in the bone to help with healing and strength.   I had the option to decline surgery but the doctor warned that long-term there would be several bad consequences for the hand.  It would heal slowly and later in life it would probably have arthritis and become deformed.  I would also slowly lose use of the hand if I declined to have the surgical repair.  It was pretty easy to decide not to try mending this injury on my own.  I needed medical help to be made whole. Today I bear the scar of that surgery on my right hand.  But the damage done by the fall and the surgery have healed.  I seldom even recall the event.

I think of this episode in my life when I have a missionary approach me for help with an unresolved transgression.  Sadly, from time to time a sister or elder comes forward to confess and resolve a sin that should have been taken care of much earlier.  I count it a blessing to be able to help. In most cases, the situation is the same.  The missionary didn’t know how or didn’t want to seek the help of his/her priesthood leaders in addressing serious transgression.  Some are worried about the consequences of admitting wrong.  Others mistakenly believe that they can do it on their own.  They convince themselves that if they just pray hard enough and commit strong enough to never repeat the mistake that they can take care of it on their own.  Unfortunately, in the case of serious sins this is not correct and the failure to deal completely and squarely with the sinful problem has bad long-term consequences.

I’m sure you see the analogy with my broken hand and the broken spirit of the unrepentant soul.  Most of the mistakes people make can be resolved through personal prayer and sincere repentance. But some mistakes, especially those regarding immorality, require confession to an appropriate Church authority before we can receive the Lord’s forgiveness.  As we think about mistakes we have made, we may be feeling guilty, unsettled, unhappy, or even miserable. Such feelings should not be ignored.  Some missionaries are too quick to excuse themselves or rationalize their way out.  We must avoid these mistakes.  Try as we might, there are some violations of God’s laws which we just can’t mend on our own.  We need the Atonement to heal us from all sins but we also need special care and attention for serious errors.

Elders and Sisters, we are all sinners and repenters.  Please don’t disregard the need for help when repenting of serious errors.  “Your bishop or branch president [or mission president] is the spiritual physician’s assistant who is authorized to help you repent and heal.” said Elder David A. Bednar.  Without complete and sincere confession you will continue to carry the burden of sin alone, instead of letting the Savior take away the burden.  Be wise and remember the Lord has said: “Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.

Mahal kita po kayo
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
June 6, 2016

Dear Sisters and Elders:

Each Mission Leadership Council reaffirms to me the high caliber of leaders we have in the Angeles Mission.   Our district leaders, sister training leaders and zone leaders are first-rate.  The great dedication, talent and capacity to love and serve that we witness causes Sister Clark and me to frequently pause and marvel.  The tremendous work and sacrifice we see in our young leaders, past and present, bring to mind the Book of Mormon verse, “Our leaders were mighty men [and women] in the faith of the Lord; and they taught the people the ways of the Lord” (Jarom 1:7).

The miracle of young missionaries serving so well, so consistently and so willingly is a testament to the truthfulness of the gospel and the divinity of each missionary’s calling.  If each of you had not been, “called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer, the work of this mission, I’m certain our mission organization would utterly fail.   It is because each missionary and especially our leaders “strives to fulfill what the President of the Church expects of you”, that leadership and followership works and we fulfill our purpose as missionaries.

Among our mission leaders I frequently observe that they remember and live these truths:
·       You have been recommended as one worthy to represent the Lord as a minister of the restored gospel. You are an official representative of the Church.
·       You are expected to maintain the highest standards of conduct and appearance by keeping the commandments, living mission rules, and following the counsel of your mission president.
·       You are expected to devote all your time and attention to serving the Lord, leaving behind all other personal affairs.
·       You are accountable to the Lord and to the leaders of the Church for how well you honor your promise to serve.
·       Through obedience, the Lord will bless you and you will become an effective advocate and messenger of the truth.

Much is required of our district leaders, sister training leaders and zone leaders.  They are expected to care for the physical, temporal and spiritual needs and wants of all missionaries under their stewardship while living an exemplary missionary life and maintaining a model proselyting area.  They constantly reminded that “the assignment to serve as a leader is a sacred trust from the Lord through the mission president, and both the president and the Lord will receive an accounting of this responsibility (see D&C 72:3; 104:11–12).”

So this week I want to profess my love, respect and unending appreciation for our mission leaders.  They are incredible.  They do some really hard things under very difficult situations.  Where much is expected, much is given of the Lord and I know He gives much comfort, wisdom and love to our valiant leaders.  Join me, elders and sisters, in thanking your mission leaders for their amazing devotion and faithfulness to their assignment, this mission and the Savior.  (I wanted to call this, “Hug a Leader Week” but Sister Clark said that would cause some problems.)  Remember, missions move swiftly and leadership will come to all.  Each of us must prepare to accept the leadership call when it comes.  Remember this: In all ways and at all times be wise and mature in your conduct. 

Mahal kita po kayo
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
May 30, 2016

Dear Missionaries:

For June our Mission Training Plan is built around the principle of “Ministering With The Holy Ghost.”  We surely desire and need to have the Holy Ghost as our divine companion.  As Preach My Gospel says: “Because the gospel of Jesus Christ is the “power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth” (Romans 1:16), the message of the Restoration of the gospel must be taught by divine power—the power of the Holy Ghost, who is the third member of the Godhead. 
We dare not attempt to fulfill our sacred mission ministry without the Holy Ghost.  As we begin a month of study of how we qualify for and work with the Holy Ghost I wish to share with you a few quotes from probably the best talk ever given on missionary work with the Spirit.  These are some of my favorite statements from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland from the classic talk, “The Divine Companionship”. Please read these with an eye toward becoming closer to the Spirt and making him your permanent Divine Companion.

“The Power of the Holy Ghost is central to everything we do in missionary work and in conversion.  When conversion takes place it is through the power of the Spirit.”

[Be] determined to be the best companion – the most divine companion - you can be to [your companion], regardless of what problems arise or however fatigued or stressed you may feel.  Take the idea or Christlike attributes literally.  If you’ve not yet learned that it’s more important to help someone else succeed than it is to focus on your own success, then please start learning that divine lesson now.

My young beloved missionary companions, herein lies the doctrine and therefore the reason that we want you to live worthily to have the Spirit with you when you teach the gospel of Jesus Christ.  There are lots of reasons the Spirit is needed.  John says, “He is a comforter.”  And both you and your investigators will need comfort frequently in this difficult work opposed by the very forces of hell.  

Nephi says, the Spirit will show you what you should do and planning is still among one of the poorest skills demonstrated by our missionaries.  Mormon says, that the Spirit will give you the words that you should say and what terrified new missionary hasn’t plead for that gift.  Furthermore, those words will be delivered by the Spirit with great power and authority which very, very few missionaries seem to display.  Alma says, “The Spirit will guide your investigators into all truth which is exactly where we want them to go.  And Jesus himself said, “The Spirit will teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance.  Surely, that is the ultimate blessing to anyone who is called to individualize his lesson and teach the gospel in an orderly and persuasive way. 

My point  is to stress that the Spirit must be with you and you must teach by it when you teach because it is the way the lesson ceases to be your lesson and becomes His;  becomes under the power of the Spirit a vehicle for lifting your investigators out of the temporal world.

Don’t ever forget that the Holy Ghost is the key to knowledge.  As the passage says, “Lift up your voices by the Comforter and you shall speak as seemeth me good.”  That’s one of the promises in the Divine Companionship.  And I might suggest that a good question for all missionaries to ask themselves at the end of every day is, “Was the Holy Ghost the senior companion today, the junior companion or was He even in our companionship today?”

Mahal kita po kayo
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
May 23, 2016

Dear Missionaries:

Last week was a great time for training for Sister Clark and me.  We attended the Mission Presidents’ Seminar with all the mission presidents and wives in the Philippines.  The Area Presidency organized a wonderful four day event to train, uplift and minister to mission presidents and our companions.  Much of what we learned will be passed along to you in coming conferences, study materials, district meetings and zone training.  There was an interesting announcement about missionary dress and grooming that you will want to know more about.

Elder Shayne Bowen of the Area Presidency (soon to be our Area President) re-taught us of the dangers of being bound by false limitations.  More senior missionaries in our mission recall last June’s Mission Tour when Elder Bowen told us the account of Roger Bannister and the “Four Minute Mile” as well the analogy of jumping fleas.  Both stories teach the folly of holding on to traditions, beliefs or expectations simply because that is what we have been told or experienced in the past.  A similar example can be found in the lives of circus elephants.

Do you know what they do to keep a circus elephant from running away? They tie a metal chain onto a collar around the mighty elephant’s leg – and attach it to a small wooden peg that’s hammered into the ground. The 10-foot tall, 5,000 kilo hulk could easily snap the chain or uproot the wooden peg, and escape to freedom. But it does not do that. In fact it does not even try. The world’s most powerful animal, which can uproot a tree as easily as you and I can break a toothpick, remains tied down by a small peg and a flimsy chain. How come?

It’s because when the elephant was young, its trainers used the chain and peg to restrain the animal. A chain was tied around its leg and the other end of the chain was tied to a metal stake on the ground. The chain and peg were strong enough to hold the baby elephant. When it tried to break away, the metal chain would stop it. Sometimes, tempted by the world it could see in the distance, the elephant would pull harder. But the chain would cut into the skin on the elephant’s leg, making it bleed, creating a wound that would hurt the baby elephant even more. Soon, the baby elephant concluded it was futile trying to escape. It stopped trying !

And now when the big circus elephant is tied by a chain around its leg, it remembers the pain it felt as a baby. And it does not try to break away. So even though it’s just a chain and a little wooden peg, the elephant stands still. It thinks of its past limitations, and believes that it can only move as much as the chain previously allowed. It does not matter that the metal stake has been replaced by a wooden peg. It does not matter that the 100 kilo baby is now a 5,000 kilo powerhouse.  The elephant’s belief prevails.

If you think about it, we can become like the circus elephant. We have incredible power and potential within us. But we also have our own chains and pegs; our self-limiting beliefs that hold us back.  Sometimes it’s an early failure in goal setting. Sometimes it’s something we were told by older missionaries which killed our desire to excel.  These become our chain and peg, holding us back from doing what we are capable of, stopping us from achieving what was well within our powers. Time then to ask the question: What’s holding you back? What’s my chain and wooden peg?  What are the false limitations that keep me standing still when I could be progressing?

Elders and Sisters, our Area Presidency is expecting much more of us as a mission.  They see our potential and know that with the power of faith and diligence we can bring many more of our Heavenly Father’s children to the light of the gospel. We need to be willing to challenge conventional wisdom and not accept limits that the world (or other missionaries) might try to impose.  We can’t be willing to accept low performance or weak standards of excellence because no one has done better before.  Remember, Noah and Nephi had never built boats before the Lord commanded.  Moses had never delivered a people from bondage.  Joseph Smith had never written (translated) a book before God asked. We can do more when we focus on our purpose and potential, not perceived problems.  Through faith-filled and smart goal setting we will break bogus barriers that hold us back. 

Mahal kita po kayo
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
May 16, 2016

Dear Missionaries:

Ministering When We Just Don’t Feel Like It. 
Last week I was reminded of the importance of continuing to minister…even when we don’t really want to.  Transfer week is demanding for those in the Mission Office.  It begins on Sunday and goes through Thursday.  The days start early and end late with much to be done in sending the departing missionaries home, welcoming a new batch of missionaries and getting the entire transfer organized and accomplished.  It is physically, emotionally and spiritually rigorous.

This past Thursday was an especially trying transfer day because I also had work to so in several of our member districts.  So after the essential transfer work was done I embarked on an eight hour trip around the mission to set apart departing missionaries and conduct member interviews.  I first drove to Camiling to set apart three wonderful young men as missionaries, reporting to the MTC on Friday.  Next, I travelled to Cabanatuan to conduct a recommend interview and set apart another missionary.  Along the way I received and made phone calls and texts from missionaries and mission leaders.  By the time I left the Cabanatuan Stake Center I was weary and not too excited about the drive to Gabaldon for more temple recommend interviews.  Traffic was bad and I started to think selfish “woe is me” thoughts while driving the 90 minutes to my next appointment.  As I pulled up to the Gabaldon meeting house about 7:00 PM I was hungry, worn-out and prepared for just three more interviews; then the long drive back to Tarlac.  

Upon entering the building I found eight members, seven of them needing interviews.  I wasn’t ready for that and my immediate feelings were frustration and overwhelm.  I think at that moment the “natural man” was winning the battle for my heart.  The Spirit faced an uphill battle in making me a minister and a witness to those good saints of Gabaldon.  I’m humbled to admit that the words of Isiah defined my condition: “He is hungry, and his strength faileth: he drinketh no water, and is faint.”

Fortunately, I did not faint – or cry or complain (all things that crossed my mind).  Instead, I went to work.  I went to a room and started to interview those faithful members.  Each interview started with a prayer which strengthened me and reminded me that these interviews are my privilege and priesthood duty.  I thought of how little I really had worked or sacrificed to serve these members.  In fact, they probably had worked harder and sacrificed more than me to come to the building for an interview.   The interviews were sweet and uplifting and I found myself renewed in the process, as promised in scripture (see D&C 84:33).  My final interview was with a sweet, small older woman.  She and her husband spoke softly and used very little English so I had to resort to Tagalog.  I work much harder in a Tagalog interview as I struggle to read the questions and understand the responses.  This lovely little woman was patient in listening to my very bad Tagalog and answering my questions in giving her worthiness accounting to the Lord. 

The Spirit was strong as I signed her recommend and we stood to leave.  She looked up at me, said thank you for coming to interview her and then asked, with her arm motion, if she could embrace me.  I dutifully replied that it would be “bawal” for me to permit a hug.  Her response was just what I needed at the end of that day.  She followed her heart, disregarded my answer and wrapped her arms around my waist.  It was a short, sweet guilty pleasure for a tired mission president.  Last Thursday was a very good day to minister.

Elders and Sisters, “let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Gal. 6:9)

Mahal kita po kayo
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
May 9, 2016

Elders & Sisters:

This month we will connect the practice of ministry to the eternal principle of obedience.  The link between the two is quite straightforward as taught by Elder Russell M. Nelson.  He said:

“We are still commanded to sacrifice, but not by shedding blood of animals. Our highest sense of sacrifice is achieved as we make ourselves more sacred or holy.  This we do by our obedience to the commandments of God. Thus, the laws of obedience and sacrifice are indelibly intertwined. … As we comply with these and other commandments, something wonderful happens to us. … We become more sacred and holy—[more] like our Lord!”

We are being made into ministers and witnesses of Jesus Christ every day as we obediently serve.  Exact obedience brings about the sanctification – becoming more sacred and holy and more like our Lord.  When we are obedient we act and sense things more like “the Son of man [who] came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. (Matt. 20:28)

This process makes us more able ministers in several ways.  First, obedient ministers have purer and more frequent communication with the Spirit.  The lines of communication are open to the heavens and they are instructed when and how to best minister.  The discernment needed to follow the Savior’s example of ministry must be proceeded by obedience.  Second, an obedient minister of the gospel is, by definition, more ready and willing to act upon promptings of the Spirit.  Obedience begets more obedience.   The submissive, humble follower of Christ looks for ways to bless the lives of others and is eager to let the Holy Ghost lead his/her life of ministry.  Third, ministry requires sacrifice and the obedience teaches sacrifice.   President Spencer W. Kimball once explained to a young man struggling with his testimony that: “Through sacrifice and service one comes to know the Lord.” As we sacrifice our selfish desires, serve our God and others, we become more like Him.”   We also, naturally become more effective ministers of the gospel.

We are so happy the most missionaries in Angeles mission are very able ministers, having achieved high levels of obedience and happiness.   Sadly, we still have instances of “temporary waywardness” which result in inevitable unhappiness and loss of the Spirit in the lives of disobedient missionaries.  When I learn of elders or sister making poor choices, my heart aches and I think of the words of the prophet Jacob’s plea, “O be wise; what can I say more?” (Jacob 6:12).  I wish that every missionary would learn and follow the wise counsel found in For the Strength of Youth.  There we read: “You are responsible for the choices you make. While you are free to choose your course of action, you are not free to choose the consequences. Whether for good or bad, consequences follow as a natural result of the choices you make.  Have the moral courage to stand firm in obeying God’s will, even if you have to stand alone. Some sinful behavior may bring temporary, worldly pleasure, but such choices delay your progress and lead to heartache and misery. Righteous choices lead to lasting happiness and eternal life.”

Elders and Sisters please make the choice to minister every day of your mission and let exact obedience be a guiding standard of your life.

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
May 2, 2016

Sisters & Elders:

This week I’ve chosen to re-publish my letter from June 2015; a recap of Mission Tour 2015.  I think refreshing our memory of last year’s mission tour with Elder Bowen creates an eager anticipation to learn through personal revelation at this year’s mission tour.  If you were not there last year ask your companion or kabahay to tell you more about what we learned. It was fantastic!

Part of the benefit and pleasure of having a General Authority visit our mission each year is to have powerful and precise teaching delivered specifically for the needs of our mission.  Elder Bowen and Sister Bowen prepared their talks and recommendations especially for us at this time.  Revelation was at work as we were counseled and taught by Elder Bowen.  This is what I learned from the mission tour.

1. We Can Feel the Loss of Power…  Every act of disobedience, large or small, results in a loss of power as a missionary.  Preach My Gospel teaches that: “Missionaries are to go ‘in the power of their ordination wherewith [they have] been ordained, proclaiming glad tidings of great joy, even the everlasting gospel’ (D&C 79:1)”.  We also learned this is great spiritual power.  But that power is diminished each time we disobey.  The cause and effect are easy to understand: Get up late  lose power; Fail to plan  lose power; Misuse the phone  lose power.  See also D&C 130: 21-22.

2. Crabbing Holds Us Back…  “Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do.”  said Benjamin Franklin.  We can’t afford to be crabbing fools.  We should be each other’s greatest cheerleaders, celebrating successes and triumphs.  Criticism of those missionaries who are exceling – “the Roger Bannister” missionaries -- who strive to become better is counter to our mission culture and God’s purposes.

3.  Don’t Be a Flea…  What a great metaphor used by Elder Bowen!!  We learned that we can fall victim to “false limitations” if we are not careful.  We need to be willing to challenge conventional wisdom and not accept values that the world (or other missionaries) might try to impose.   We can’t be willing to accept low goals or standards of excellence because no one has done better before.  Remember, Noah and Nephi had never built boats before the Lord commanded.  Joseph Smith had never written (translated) a book before God asked. We can do more when we focus on our purpose, not problems.  See also Luke 1:37.

4.  The Miracle Formula…  This is a profound piece of knowledge.  OBEDIENCE + WORK (Faith) = Miracles.  We all want more miracles in our lives.  We know that faith must precede the miracle and now we know that faith is manifest through our good works.   Elder Russell M. Nelson teaches that a mission is an exercise in obedience training.  “Obedience brings success; exact obedience brings miracles,” he said.  So there it is again… obedience is an essential part of the Miracle Formula. 

5.  We Have Great Missionaries…  The 2015 mission tour reinforced for Sister Clark and I our faith in each of you – our missionaries.  It also increased our love for you.  You were wonderful in your preparation, presentation and participation.  The Bowens again and again complimented you as a mission and as individuals.  They told us to expect great things in the future from our mission.   We thank you for your sweet and humbling comments about Sister Clark and me at the close of the conference meetings.  You were so kind.  We live each day trying to live up to your ideals and the Lord’s expectations.  God Bless.

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
April 25, 2016

Elders & Sisters:

The Lord Jesus Christ has told us that he has never at any time given us a law which was temporal, for to him all things are spiritual (D&C 29:34–35).  Today I want to convey my concerns about the negative spiritual effects of some of the decisions missionaries make about temporal matters.  I speak of questionable money management decisions and inappropriate use of financial support that I observe in our mission.  

We are seeing an alarming number of missionaries violating basic mission principles and rules of missionary support.  Let me remind us of these rules from pages 43-45 of the Missionary Handbook:
·       The funds you receive from the mission are sacred. Be thrifty and wise in how you spend it.
·       Use funds from the mission only for rent, groceries, personal grooming items, laundry, cleaning supplies, haircuts, postage for weekly letters to family, fast offerings, and transportation.  Jerseys, cameras, souvenirs and memorabilia are not to be purchased with funds from the mission.
·       Do not save money received from the mission from month to month to purchase personal items, such as clothing, cameras, or souvenirs.
·       Use funds from home for other necessary expenses, such as replacing necessary clothing, bicycle purchase and repairs, approved telephone calls home, and medical expenses not paid by the mission (medical care for preexisting conditions, and normal eye or dental care).
·       Keep other expenses to a minimum and pay for them with funds from home, including expenses for film and film developing, souvenirs, and gifts.
·       Never loan or borrow money. If you need additional money, talk to your mission president.

Disobedience to these basic rules harms our spiritual well-being.  During our personal interviews this month I have been emphasizing the need to protect and nurture personal spiritual health.   We all must be especially sensitive to situations that could present dangers to a missionary’s spiritual well-being and make sure the mission president knows about these matters (see Missionary Handbook p. 51).  Misuse of mission funds and money loaning and borrowing present serious dangers to a missionary’s spiritual well-being.

Please be wise stewards over your support money.  As missionaries we should treat this stewardship as a sacred trust.  The Lord and our leaders provide these sacred funds for our use in fulfilling our purpose.  Let’s be more careful and thoughtful about how we spend the money that has been entrusted to us. Don’t spend frivolously.   Live on a budget.  Remember the Lord’s instruction about stewardships:  All things on earth belong to the Lord; we are his stewards. “Remember that [your] stewardship will I require at [your] hands. (D&C 124:14)  Also remember His promise: “Whoso is found a faithful steward shall enter into the joy of his Lord” (D&C 51:19)

Mahal kita po kayo
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
April 18, 2016

Sisters & Elders:

In the early days of this dispensation the Lord explained His purposes in calling missionaries to conference.  In D&C Section 44 we read:

Behold, thus saith the Lord unto you my servants, it is expedient in me that the elders of my church should be called together, from the east and from the west, and from the north and from the south, by letter or some other way.

And it shall come to pass, that inasmuch as they are faithful, and exercise faith in me, I will pour out my Spirit upon them in the day that they assemble themselves together.

And it shall come to pass that they shall go forth into the regions round about, and preach repentance unto the people.

And many shall be converted, insomuch that ye shall obtain power to organize yourselves according to the laws of man;

That your enemies may not have power over you; that you may be preserved in all things; that you may be enabled to keep my laws; that every bond may be broken wherewith the enemy seeketh to destroy my people.

Elders and Sisters of the Angeles Mission are called to meet in conference again in just two weeks, May 4th and 5th. Under the direction of Elder Allen D. Hanie of the Seventy we will hold two zone conferences – one in Cabanatuan and the other in Tarlac on these dates.  These conferences are part of our annual Mission Tour.  The purposes and promises of Section 44 apply to us today as we prepare to gather in our conferences.  Inasmuch as we are faithful, and exercise faith in Christ, He will pour out His Spirit upon us in the day that we assemble ourselves together.  Then we shall go forth into the regions round about, and preach repentance unto the people. And many shall be converted, our enemies may not have power over us; we may be preserved in all things; we may be enabled to keep God’s laws.

Elder Haynie and Sister Haynie will come prepared to help us fulfill our purpose as missionaries and realize the promises of an inspired zone conference.  Elder Haynie asks that each missionary do the same.  Specifically, he requests the following pre-conference preparations.
1.     Study the discussion of prayer in the Bible Dictionary and any other scriptures you may discover concerning prayer.  Several missionaries will be called upon to share their thoughts about prayer during the conference.
2.     Thoroughly review Preach My Gospel, Chapter 9, How do I Find People to Teach?
3.     Read and ponder the story of Enoch, Moses 6:26-27.
Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start time.  Sit reverently and study scriptures prior to the conference.  Gathering for a missionary conference is a sacred duty and opportunity.  Elder and Sister Hanie will make it special for each of us if we do our part.

Mahal kita po kayo
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
April 11, 2016

Dear Missionaries:

In just a few weeks we will have our 2016 Mission Tour under the direction of Elder Allen D. Haynie of the Seventy.  Elder and Sister Haynie are a delight and we will learn so much – I promise.  In advance of the tour you might study Elder Haynie’s talk from November 2015 General Conference “Remembering in Whom We Have Trusted”.   The talk begins with a charming real-life parable of sorts and teaches us the words of Jesus Christ: “And no unclean thing can enter into his kingdom; therefore nothing entereth into his rest save it be those who have washed their garments in my blood, because of their faith, and the repentance of all their sins, and their faithfulness unto the end.

I was reminded of Elder Haynie’s story as I reviewed the Mission Training Plan Study Material for this week.  It includes one of my favorite repentance talks – “Repent…That I May Heal You” from Elder Neil L. Anderson.   The principle and blessings of repentance are constants of missionary life.  To borrow from the words of Nephi: We talk of Repentance, we rejoice in Repentance, we preach of Repentance, we advocate Repentance … that our investigators may know to what source and process they may look for a remission of their sins.

Like you, I teach of repentance often to members, investigators and especially to missionaries.  It is a doctrine which I deeply love and rejoice in using.  Repeatedly missionaries come to me with lingering worries of incomplete or inadequate repentance.  I love these discussions and appreciate the sincerity because as missionaries we must both be and feel clean. “Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord.” said the Savior. (D&C 133:5; see also D&C 38:42.)  Not “kinda” clean or “mostly” clean.  The Lord requires an absolute spotless, unsoiled soul of His personal representative and asks that we relentlessly work to become such.  For this reason, daily repentance is a necessity. 

Elder Anderson taught an important principle about our lives of continuous repentance.  “Sometimes in our repentance, in our daily efforts to become more Christlike, we find ourselves repeatedly struggling with the same difficulties. As if we were climbing a tree-covered mountain, at times we don’t see our progress until we get closer to the top and look back from the high ridges. Don’t be discouraged. If you are striving and working to repent, you are in the process of repenting.  As we improve, we see life more clearly and feel the Holy Ghost working more strongly within us.

Sometimes we wonder why we remember our sins long after we have forsaken them. Why does the sadness for our mistakes at times continue following our repentance?  The scriptures do not say that we will forget our forsaken sins in mortality. Rather, they declare that the Lord will forget. The forsaking of sins implies never returning. Forsaking requires time. To help us, the Lord at times allows the residue of our mistakes to rest in our memory. It is a vital part of our mortal learning.”

Elders and Sisters, I love you and respect you immensely for your desires and commitment to be clean; to fully repent.  Repentance is real and it works. Repentance, of necessity, is not easy. Things of eternal significance rarely are. But the result is worth it. As President Boyd K. Packer testified in his last address to the Seventy of the Church: “The thought is this: the Atonement leaves no tracks, no traces. What it fixes is fixed. … The Atonement leaves no traces, no tracks. It just heals, and what it heals stays healed.”  May God bless you as you change your lives and fulfill your purpose.

Mahal kita kayo
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
April 6, 2016
Elders and Sisters:

We Latter-day Saints feel strongly about being a covenant-making and covenant-keeping people.  This is reflected in the scriptures we call our “standard works”.  The titles of our scriptures remind us of the importance of covenants. For example, the Holy Bible is divided into two parts called Testaments.  The word “testament” comes from Latin and means “covenant” or “agreement.”  The Old Testament is the “Old Covenant” and the New Testament is the “New Covenant”.  This translation is consistent with the use of the Tagalog word “Tipan” in Ang Biblia.  Covenant concepts are so important that covenants makes half the title of the Doctrine and Covenants.  The Book of Mormon also has a covenant emphasis. The Title Page of the book informs us that a primary purpose of the book is to “show unto the remnant of the house of Israel what great things the Lord hath done for their fathers; and that they may know the covenants of the Lord, that they are not cast off forever”.

The Book of Mormon teaches of our covenant relationship to God and our responsibilities resulting from these covenants.  An essential part of the Book of Mormon’s mission is to unite the covenant people of the Old World and covenant people of the New World through a covenant people of the latter days. Nephi says one reason his record quotes Isaiah at such length is to tell his readers about the covenants that are to be fulfilled in the last days (see 2 Ne. 6:12–13).

Elder Russell M. Nelson taught that, “One of the most important concepts of revealed religion is that of a sacred covenant…. Through the ages, God has made covenants with His children. His covenants occur throughout the entire plan of salvation and are therefore part of the fulness of His gospel.  Said Elder Nelson: “When the doctrine of covenants is deeply implanted in our hearts, …our spiritual stamina is strengthened.”  President Henry B. Eyring, made this powerful statement: “[God] always keeps His promises offered through His authorized servants, but it is the crucial test of our lives to see if we will make and keep our covenants with Him.”

As missionaries we know our duty to bring souls unto Christ so that they can make and keep sacred covenants; first through baptism and ultimately in the temple.  Covenant making is an eternal principle which is learned and perfected through a pattern of making and keeping commitments in mortality.  We prepare and condition our investigators to make big covenants by having them begin with smaller, basic commitments such as prayer, reading the Book of Mormon and attending church.  “We Invite, they Commit, We Follow-up.  Thus the pattern of commitment and accountability can become natural, normal and rewarding to progressing investigators.  (Read P. 195 of Preach My Gospel to better understand why the pattern is so important.)  We should be especially bold in extending invitations and eliciting commitments regarding reading and study of the Book of Mormon. 

Each commitment accepted by an investigator is a chance to prove what blessings flow from being a committed (covenant) person. Each commitment is also an opportunity for the investigator to know the satisfaction and growth of accountability.  Let us build spiritual stamina in our investigators by extending powerful, inspired invitations to commit them; then allow them to account.  Let us place and keep our investigators on the covenant path.   As Elder D. Todd Christofferson said: “In the covenant path we find a steady supply of gifts and help. ‘Charity never faileth’ (1 Corinthians 13:8; Moroni 7:46), love begets love, compassion begets compassion, virtue begets virtue, commitment begets loyalty, and service begets joy.
Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
March 28, 2016

Dear Missionaries:

Today’s message is a follow-up to my teaching at our most recent Zone Conference.  You’ll recall I did a workshop on finding and concluded with instruction about working with members to find people to teach.  I feel the need to elaborate and clarify my thoughts.  We need to constantly refine our finding methods and approach.

I feel strongly that Angeles Mission has been blessed with heaven-sent revelation in response to our prayerful supplication for help in finding.  We all pray daily for inspiration to find those God has prepared for conversion.  I know our Heavenly Father hears those prayers and in response he has sent his authorized servants with precise and compelling messages to guide us.  The first delivery of an important “finding” message came last June when Elder Shayne Bowen of the Seventy presided over our Mission Tour.  He boldly and plainly testified to us that if companionships would make 30 testifying contacts per day we would find new investigators.  He also promised that we could achieve our baptismal standard of excellence if we would meet this and two other divine mandates for our mission.  (We now call this the “Bowen Challenge”.)  This message was well delivered it has not been entirely followed.  We struggle with our diligence in OYMing each day.

The second specific finding message was delivered to us in February of this year as part of the special conference presided over by President Russell M. Nelson.   The Lord got our attention by sending an apostle to our mission and then conveyed more inspiration about finding, again through Elder Bowen.  At that time Elder Bowen directed every missionary companionship to obtain from their ward or branch the current Prospective Elders List.  He instructed us to work with the members to find these men and prepare them to receive the priesthood.  He promised that if we would fulfill this instruction we would be blessed with investigators, particularly families to teach and baptize.  We are now several weeks past that meeting and most, but not all companionships have obtained the Prospective Elders list.  I’ve been so please to learn of many missionaries who have started to work these lists.  We are progressing but still, we are not fully engaged with the members in this effort.

At our last Zone Conference I asked each missionary to recommit to follow the heaven-sent instruction from Elder Bowen.  I know that our finding will be more productive as obey.  We can’t ignore such plain and understandable answers to our prayers and hope to receive more inspired direction.  If you are not doing everything you can to fulfill the Bowen Challenge and work the Prospective Elders list please re-assess your priorities and adjust your work plans.

Today I add another element to effective finding with members by directing you to initiate more direct and frequent member visits.  This week begin to do the following:
1.      Build Member Visit Time Into Planning.   Plan eight hours of visits to members each week.  These should be planned, scheduled, teaching visits to active or inactive members.  No visit should be longer than 30 minutes.  Make visiting entire families a priority. 
2.      When making such visits do the following:
a.       Teach the Restoration.  Re-teach the Restoration with sincerity.  Follow the instruction of Preach My Gospel, P. 161about working with members in finding.  Help them rekindle their testimony of the Restoration.
b.      Listen to the Member’s Conversion Story.  Ask members to relate their conversion story.  Take note of special emotional responses and out pouring of the Spirit as they recall their great change of heart and life.
c.       Invite Members to Share the Gospel.  Encourage members to refer friends and loved ones to you so that together you may introduce them to the gospel and the Church.  Seek a specific response to your invitation.  (Don’t nag or beg; invite.)
d.      Pray with Members.  End your visit with a kneeling prayer, asking for blessings upon the family and help in missionary work.

Elders and Sisters, let us not forget the heavenly gifts we have received or the promise of Preach My Gospel.  “The ideal situation is when members invite others to be taught and are present for the teaching. When members do this, more people are baptized and remain active in the Church. Association with members is important because it softens people’s hearts and often leads them to investigate the restored gospel.”

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
March 21, 2016

Dear Elders and Sisters:

We are on a quest to re-define our actual mission culture to more closely align with our Mission Culture Statement.  Last January when we talked about mission culture in our interviews you all individually committed to do your best to live the culture we aspire to create.  I’m writing today to reinforce your promise.

Every mission has a culture; it’s inescapable.  The same is true for every zone, district and companionship.  Culture can be defined several ways.  The formal, academic definition calls a culture, “the behaviors and beliefs of a group or organization”.   That’s pretty stiff and sterile. In simple terms, a culture is defined as “what people do and believe”.  A very practical definition says a culture is “what people do instantaneously, the instinctive response to a situation; what we do without thinking”.  Elder M. Russell Ballard once told mission presidents that the mission culture is defined by what happens in the mission when the president is not around to correct or prevent.  All of these definitions help us to recognize the culture in which we live.  Our Mission Culture Statement is a product of this recognition.  It was produced by the Mission Leadership Council to guide us in creating a model culture in Angeles Mission.

Leaders have an influence on mission culture with the example they live and expectations they set.  But ultimately and indisputably the mission culture is formed by the missionaries and what they choose to be and do.  The culture includes our language, dress, Preparation Day customs, housekeeping, transfer traditions, beliefs and attitudes about proselyting, teaching and obedience.  We all have ownership of the mission culture and therefore the ability to change it, one missionary at a time.

The eight points of our Mission Culture Statement are familiar to you by now.  Many of you are reciting the culture each day as part of companionship study.  Thank you for making the creation of a powerful, healthy, happy culture a part of your day.  As you read this today, ask yourself  -what do I need to change to better live the mission culture?  What lack I yet?   And, Lord, is it I that slows our progress toward achieving the culture we want?  In our culture we strive to:

·         Preach the Doctrine of Christ with boldness and conviction;
·         Live in exact obedience, never compromising or tarnishing our personal integrity or the image of His Church;
·         Teach Repentance, Baptize Converts and Rescue Members;
·         Conform our conduct and values to those taught in the Missionary Handbook and Preach My Gospel, striving to develop Christ-like attributes;
·         Hold ourselves and each other accountable and loyal to God, our mission president and each other;
·         Find joy in “studying, believing, loving, living and teaching” the gospel (PMG p.29);
·         Cherish this time as consecrated servants of the Lord for a season of our lives;
·         Live “after the manner of happiness” (2 Ne. 5:27) knowing we are on His errand.

The Psalmist declared: “The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad.” (Psalms 126:3)  Missionaries, you as an individual and this mission as a whole have been blessed with great things and we are destined to do great things.  Living the culture we aspire to is the way to reach that destination.  Let’s live the culture and help others to do so as well.

Mahal kita
Iyong kapuwa tagapaglinkod

President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
March 14, 2016

Dear Sisters and Elders:

I give unto you a commandment that you shall teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom.
Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend you, that you may be instructed more perfectly in theory, in principle, in doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient for you to understand;     D&C 88:77-78

Thank you for making our March Zone Conference successful.  Our conference objectives included helping both the teacher and the missionaries to feel and recognize the Spirit and causing missionaries to become instruments in the Lord’s hands (see Alma 29:9).  We feel the purposes of zone conference were well accomplished last week.  Your cooperation, reverence, diligence and positive participation made a great difference.

In all of our mission training we try to help you to qualify to receive the Spirit.  The Spirit will then show you where to go, what to do, and what to say and will enable you to teach with power and authority. We also strive to help you develop the attributes and skills through which you can magnify your calling, particular those emphasized in Preach My Gospel, chapter 6.  As mission leaders we are regularly reminded that you (our missionaries) have been called of God and promised great resources of power. Our responsibility is to help you rise to these expectations.  We design and conduct our training in faith that the promises the Lord has made to all missionaries will be fulfilled.

You probably noticed that in all our zone conference teaching we stayed very close to Preach My Gospel.   This great text, along with The 8 Fundamentals of Teaching More Effectively, provide us with ample material to study and re-study.  We cannot exhaust the knowledge, wisdom and inspiration available to us in Preach My Gospel.  Within the scriptures and Preach My Gospel is the promise of D&C 11:21 fulfilled: “seek to obtain my word, and then shall your tongue be loosed; then, if you desire, you shall have my Spirit and my word, yea, the power of God unto the convincing of men.”

Today, several days later, the conference is past but the real value of the conference learning should just start to be realized.  You are now putting into action  the skills and knowledge you gained about Teaching People, Not Lessons, Help Investigators to Attend Church, Teaching Repentance, Using the Book of Mormon in Lessons, Teaching the Apostasy and Finding People to Teach.  We have great hope and expectations that what was taught at the conference will inspire and enable you to fulfill your missionary purpose.  Where much is given, much is expected and this past conference was filled with valuable information.  Please spend time reviewing the conference topics, both in personal and companion study.   Share your ideas and learnings with other missionaries.  Seek to follow the admonition of D&C 132:3 to “receive and obey the instructions” which were delivered at zone conference.

Mahal kita
Iyong kapuwa tagapaglinkod

President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
March 7, 2016

Dear Elders and Sisters:

Sister Clark and I look forward to the coming week with eager anticipation.  It’s a double delight for us has we conduct both a Mission Leadership Council meeting and two zone conferences in the next few days.  We excitedly anticipate meeting each of you and enjoying the spirit of being faithful servants of the Lord.  What a spiritual rush this gives us!  As the Savior hastens His work it seems those of us dedicating our lives full-time to building the kingdom get swept into a swift current of missionary work.   We have prayed and planned and prepared so that our two zone conferences this week will be magnificent events for the mission.  We love the thought of being with you so soon after our special mission conference with President and Sister Nelson.  Each time we gather it confirms what we have repeated time and time again – this is the place where the finest serve.

There is so much that is good and gratifying that goes on in this mission.  We observe that the Angeles Mission is filled with high potential and high performing missionaries.  I see you all as the kind of missionaries that Elder Tad R. Callister described as “consecrated missionaries”.  What makes one a consecrated missionary?    Here are a few attributes Elder Callister mentions:

·         eager to lay everything on the altar of sacrifice
·         submissive to Heavenly Father’s will, whatever it might be
·         proudly confesses that a mission is “more about what the Lord wants, not about what I want”
·         willing to follow the example of Peter and boldly declare: “[I] have left all and followed thee.” (Luke 18:18-28)
·         capable to change her/his very nature (Mos. 3:19) to follow the Savior’s example
·         gladly acknowledges that God can do more with his/her life that they can alone
·         hungers and thirsts for instruction as to how she/he can be better
·         accepts correction with humility and a conviction to become better
·         goes the extra mile in service, without being compelled

The depth of commitment and love for the Savior needed to become a consecrated missionary is rare to find in this world.   The world teaches an entirely different formula for success and happiness – primarily based on selfish motives and godless ambition.  I see little of these worldly attributes in this mission but I witness plenty of missionaries laying it all on the line to fulfill their commission to serve the Master. 

Complete consecration is a very high standard – one that we each should aspire to achieve.  Elder Callister reminds us, however, that, “the Lord does not expect immediate perfection of us, but I do believe he expects progress, and with that progress comes consecration.”  May we adopt and live the words of Mormon as we seek to become consecrated in our missionary duties: “Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.”  (3 Ne. 5:13)
Elders and Sisters, come to this week’s zone conferences prepared to learn how to progress as an individual and as a mission.  Please consider the attributes of a consecrated missionary listed about and ask, “what lack I yet?”   If you come sincerely seeking, the Lord will open treasures of wisdom to you.

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
February 29, 2016

Dear Sisters and Elders:

 In March the Mission Training Plan will lead us to better understand the ministry of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  There is no more perfect model of ministry that we can follow.  President Howard W. Hunter encouraged us to look to this example when he said, “I would invite all members of the Church to live with ever more attention to the life and example of the Lord Jesus Christ, especially the love and hope and compassion He displayed. If we are to follow the example of Christ and walk in his footsteps, we must seek to do the same things after the pattern he set.”

Our March and April Training Plan teaches us to “Minister as the Savior Ministered”.  We will examine the patterns he set and the footsteps he walked as fulfilled his mortal mission.  We’ll look at how he taught, healed, blessed, corrected, served and loved people. This study is important because we have covenanted to follow Christ, the great exemplar. We have the responsibility to learn of him, the things he taught and the things he did during his earthly ministry. Having learned these lessons, we are under commandment to follow his example.

Our callings as missionaries should naturally bring us closer to his footsteps and pattern of living. Consider these comparisons.
·         Jesus served for about three years in a ministry of teaching the gospel, bearing witness of the truth, and teaching men what they must do to find joy and happiness in this life and eternal glory in the world to come.  We serve for two years or eighteen months doing the same.  Our purpose is to make the Doctrine of Christ an active the guiding force in the lives of others.
·         Jesus performed ordinances including the blessing of children, baptisms, administering to the sick, and ordinations to the priesthood.  Elders of the Church do the same today and become more like Christ in the performance of these duties. 
·         Jesus performed miracles. At his command the blind were given sight, the deaf heard, the lame leaped, and the dead returned to life.  While modern missionaries seldom perform such dramatic and awe inspiring miracles, make no mistake you are miracle workers.  The miracles you perform, with your faith, the Holy Ghost and the priesthood, are no less life changing and important than those of Jesus.  The very miracle of conversion stands as evidence of this fact.
·      In conformity with the mind and will of the Father, Jesus lived a perfect life without sin and acquired all of the attributes of Godliness.  While none of us can claim perfection, we are on the path toward being perfected in Christ.  We strive daily to live in conformity with will of the Father, acquiring the attributes of Godliness, line upon line, little by little as we grow.

President Hunter beautifully explained why we should look to the Savior as we learn to minister.  Said he:  “To the very end of his mortal life Jesus was demonstrating the grandeur of his spirit and the magnitude of his strength. He was not, even at this late hour, selfishly engrossed with his own sorrows or contemplating the impending pain. He was anxiously attending to the present and future needs of his beloved followers. His entire energies seem to have been directed toward their needs, thus teaching by example what he was teaching by precept. He gave them words of comfort and commandment and caution.

During both his mortal ministry among his flock in the Holy Land and in his postmortal ministry among his scattered sheep in the Western Hemisphere, the Lord demonstrated his love and concern for the individual.  While hanging in agony upon the cross, he overlooked his own suffering and reached out in caring concern to the weeping woman who had given him life. (See John 19:25–27.)  What a marvelous example for us to follow! Even in the midst of great personal sorrow and pain, our Exemplar reached out to bless others. … His was not a life focused on the things he did not have. It was a life of reaching out in service to others.”

We have much to learn about ministering.  Let’s study well these next few months.

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
February 22, 2016

Dear Elders and Sisters:

Last week, following our Mission Conference, I received the answer to a “why” question that has been nagging at me for a while.  The question came from the Worldwide Missionary Broadcast of last month.  It was simple but compelling to me as a mission president - Why this message at this time?  It weighed on my mind because I know the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve act upon inspiration and with great purpose when such a unique and focused event is held.  The message of “Teach Repentance and Baptize Converts” has great meaning to us and is no small thing at this point in time in missionary work.

My answer came in studying the printed talks of each of the speakers.  I concentrated particularly on the talks of the three apostles.  I also pondered over the bigger picture of where the topics came from - The Eight Fundamentals From Preach My Gospel.  Enlightenment came in these conclusions.

1.     Our Leaders are Very Concerned with Our Teaching.  We need to improve both our focus and our teaching skills.  Elders Oaks said: “We …seek an improved focus on the doctrinal purpose of missionary work, which is to teach repentance and baptize converts to the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is what our Savior commanded us to do: “Teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”  He also noted, “It is so important for missionaries to teach repentance. In our day the Lord has commanded missionaries to “say nothing but repentance unto this generation.”
2.     The Eight Fundamentals From Preach My Gospel: Teaching More Effectively is Being Misunderstood and Poorly Used.   It was not by accident that each of the speakers in the Worldwide Broadcast based their comments on one of the eight fundamental lessons. Preach My Gospel, chapter 3, contains WHAT we teach—the doctrine, principles, and commandments.  The eight fundamental principles, found throughout Preach My Gospel, help us to know HOW to teach.  Our leaders want us back studying the fundamental lessons and becoming more effective teachers.  Poor teaching produces poor or no conversion.
3.     We Teach to Convert.  Consider this statement from the MTC Teachers Guide: "Eight fundamental principles found throughout Preach My Gospel have been selected as the principles that will help missionaries improve their teaching." These guidelines are in place to help improve teaching so that conversion can take place.  Elders Oaks was emphatic in telling us: “Never lose sight of your paramount responsibility, which is to teach repentance and baptize converts.”

Alma commanded the ministers of his day, “that they should teach nothing save it were the things which he had taught, and which had been spoken by the mouth of the holy prophets.” (Mos. 18:19)  We are to do the same.  Our message is in the scriptures and Preach My Gospel.  We are to teach what and how our modern prophets have instructed us.  We need to return to The Eight Fundamentals From Preach My Gospel to become more effective.  Elder Oaks used the word “teach” over thirty times in his talk, most of the time in specific direction to us as missionaries.  We must be better at teaching the gospel so that the Holy Ghost can testify of pure doctrine and accomplish his mission to convert the sincere seeker of truth.  Our mission culture calls for us to be Master Gospel Teachers and to teach with boldness. The Lord declared: “I give unto you a commandment that you shall teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom. Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend you,..” (D&C 88:77)  For the Angeles Mission, teaching diligently requires that we first study diligently The Eight Fundamentals From Preach My Gospel.  Please follow the direction given several weeks ago to have a 20 minute study of The Eight Fundamentals From Preach My Gospel every day during companionship study.

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
February 15, 2016

Beloved Missionaries:

Tomorrow you will meet an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.   For most of you it will be a first time experience.  For some it will be a once in a lifetime event.  In any case, it will be a very special day if you plan carefully and come with the right attitude.  I thought it wise to share some inside information about Elder Russell M. Nelson and offer a bit of advice.

President Nelson will celebrate his 92nd birthday on September 9th.  He was set apart as president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on July 15, 2015. He was called as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on April 7, 1984. 

President Nelson has perfect pitch, which allowed him to sing in choirs, quartets and musicals.   He also plays both the piano and the organ.  President Nelson is the father of 10 children: nine girls and one boy. He has 57 grandchildren and 89 great-grandchildren.  Snow skiing is one of President Nelson's "greatest loves”.

President Nelson began his first year of medical school while finishing his bachelor's degree at the University of Utah. He finished the four-year medical program in three years, becoming an M.D. in August 1947 at 22 years old.  President Nelson is fluent in Mandarin.  During a meeting in 1978, President Kimball spoke about missionary work in many parts of the world.   "He told all of us there that nothing is too hard for the Lord, but that we must do our part — to pray for the people of China, to start learning Mandarin, and to extend our own talents in whatever specialty we might have to the Chinese people," President Nelson recalled.  President Nelson followed that council.  His desire to speak to people in their own languages also prompted him to learn French, Russian and Spanish.  (Sorry, not much Tagalog.)  As of 2014, Elder Nelson had visited 129 nations.

I’ve been privileged to attend several meetings over the past few years at which President Nelson participated.  I will never forget meeting him personally in 2013 while serving as stake president.  As you can probably tell from his many General Conference talks, he is a kind, thoughtful man.  He thinks deeply and speaks boldly.  He is really, really smart yet is not presumptuous or arrogant.  To me, he is exactly what one would expect of an Apostle.

When meeting such a man of God it is prudent to come physically and spiritually prepared.  No need to come fasting, but spend your personal study and pondering what you can learn from being instructed by a prophet, seer and revelator.  Seek the Holy Ghost as your companion to help you understand the message he will bring us.  If given the chance to shake his hand, be polite, gentle and happy (smile!)  Sorry, but no hugging and no personal photos.  Make sure you look him in the eye.  You won’t forget it.

Tomorrow will be a day to record in your journal and share with family in the future.  I’m so happy that President and Sister Nelson will personally see why this is where the finest serve.    

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
February 08, 2016

Dear Elders and Sisters:

Last Thursday I was blessed to perform the wedding ceremony for a lovely couple in Guimba.  In preparing I reviewed some notes and thoughts I’ve accumulated over twenty years of performing marriages as a bishop, stake president and mission president.  As part of a wedding ceremony I often give the happy couple a bit of advice on making a successful marriage.  (The price they pay for a no-fee wedding ceremony is to listen to President Clark’s counsel.)  My reading of past marriage ceremonies and notes about marriage caused me to marvel at the similarity in principles applicable to marriage companions and missionary companions.

When I talk to newlyweds I speak about what it takes to be happy and successful together in marriage.  In the past I have offered counsel such as that provided below.  Please consider the application of each to a successful missionary companionship.

Trust - “A Scottish philosopher said, ‘It is better to be trusted than to be loved.’  To have your spouse’s trust you must be trustworthy.  Don’t give each other reason to doubt.  Live with complete honesty, loyalty and fidelity.  Then you will have the right to be trusted.  In trust you will have a feeling of safeness with one another and this will be fundamental to your marital happiness.”

Selfless Service – “President Ezra Taft Benson advised, ‘The secret of happy marriage is to serve God and each other.’  It is important to realize that marriage means sacrifice, sharing and even a reduction of some personal liberties.  Every decision must take into consideration that now two people are affected by it.  Marital happiness and peace will be achieved as you reduce the “I” and “my” thinking and instead think in terms of “we” and “our”.  Selfishness will only serve to undermine your relationship.

Forgiveness – “Edward Herbert said, ‘He that cannot forgive others, breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself, for every man hath need to be forgiven.’  Exercise your best patience, tolerance and tenderness towards one another, particularly in times of error.  Forgiveness truly is divine and we need all of the influence of Divinity we can get in this life.  The difference between a successful marriage and a mediocre one sometimes consists of leaving about four or five things a day unsaid.”

As you see, successful marriages are built upon love and mutual ministering.   So are successful missionary companionships ministering to each other.  As we sincerely minister to our companions we deepen our loyalty and trust in each other.  I encourage each of us to make God an active partner in our companionships.  Pray to Him daily for help.  Offer God your thanks for each other and the privilege to be a missionary.  Look to God for guidance.  Solidify your companionship in service to God, to your investigators and to one another.  Remember to build each other up, to strengthen and sustain each other, not expecting perfection.  Live with dignity and respect; understanding; a sense of humor and a sense of what is sacred and serious. 

Mahal ko kayo
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
February 01, 2016

Dear Missionaries:

This past week we have been reminded that we live in a wonderful time in the history of the world.  Christ’s true church is upon the earth, the priesthood has been restored, the gospel is here in its fullness and prophets are among us.  The worldwide missionary broadcast we viewed last week is a sure witness that, just as in Book of Mormon times, “the Lord God hath sent his holy prophets among all the children of men, to declare these things to every kindred, nation, and tongue” (Mosiah 3:13).  Truly there are prophets, seers and revelators among us and we were privileged to be schooled by three apostles on our missionary duties and opportunities.  The type of broadcast such as we watched last week has not occurred in over a decade.  It was unique in its broad reach to all missionaries while being narrowly targeted to only full-time missionaries.   Such an event bears our attention.  None of us are likely to experience it again.

Elders and Sisters, when three Apostle and other General Authorities speak directly to us we must listen and act.  The messages of each of the seven speakers were the product of careful thought and prophetic inspiration.   Elder Anderson said the Quorum of the Twelve and the other General Authorities, “have felt the Lord’s Spirit directing [them] in how to help [us] on our righteous efforts to invite all to come unto Christ.” He also gave us this promise: “I promise you that as you prayerfully open your mind and hearts [to these messages], you will receive the spiritual direction you have desired and your mission will be blessed.”  That is a promise that is both individual and collective.  Each of us individually and our mission collectively will be blessed as we receive and act upon this spiritual direction.

We are going to make great use of this broadcast in the Angeles Mission.  We will watch it time and time again.  We will study and make our own the powerful messages of Our Purpose – The Doctrine of Christ (Elder Anderson), The Role of the Holy Ghost on Conversion (Elder Bednar), We Invite, They Commit, We Follow-up (Bishop Waddell), Teach People, Not Lessons (Sister Oscarson), Working with Members, Retention and Activation (Elders Christensen and Neilson) and Teach Repentance and Baptize Converts (Elder Oaks).  We have already been working on several of these principles; we will extend ourselves to perfect the others.  These leaders have taught us under divine mandate and direction.  We now should feel compelled to act.

While teaching the Nephites the Savior advised: “Search the prophets, for many there be that testify of these things.” (3 Nephi 23:5)  As missionaries our “searching” of modern day prophets should begin with the messages which have been tailor-made for us at this time.  Last week’s broadcast is the starting point.  In the Angeles Mission we will begin today, Monday, February 1st with a two month focused study of the Fundamentals from Preach My Gospel.  Studying one lesson each week in our companion studies we will refresh and renew our knowledge and commitment to the eight fundamentals.  When the Lord gives specific revelation to a people and they respond promptly, diligently and in faith, He blesses them abundantly.  Let’s make the most of this special opportunity for us to respond to the voice of our prophets and apostles.

This is an incredible time in this mission.  It is as if three apostles have come and directly delivered a heaven sent message.  There is more ahead.  I pray that we will be worthy and willing to receive it in coming days.  Prepare yourselves, Elders and Sister.

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
January 25, 2016

Dear Elders and Sister:

One of our missionaries recently related a story that I want you all to read.

We had some great experiences with our lesson staffing this week. We have one investigator who has a really good fellowshipper. The fellowshipper went to the investigators house at 8:00 am on Sunday. Church starts at 9:00, so she was helping the investigator know that it was time to get ready.   A little later she planned to come pick her up to go to church.  But the investigator had some concerns that we missionaries weren’t able to catch. She had promised to go to church every day when we did our daily visits.  But she were still unsure. So when this member went there she told her that she didn’t have anything to wear. And so the member said, “no problem you can borrow some of my clothes!” Then the investigator said, “but I have no shoes.”  The member replied, “you can borrow some of mine!” Next the fellowshipper said, “I have no money for the tricycle!” And the member replied, “no problem; we will pay for you!”

This member went out of her way because of her love for this investigator. This is what has motivated me to continue inviting fellowshippers as friends for the investigators. The members always want to help. And if you can find the right fellowshipper it will help the work a lot!

Lesson staffing works to support and accelerate the conversion process.  President Thomas S. Monson said: “Now is the time for members and missionaries to come together, to work together, to labor in the Lord’s vineyard to bring souls unto Him. He has prepared the means for us to share the gospel in a multitude of ways, and He will assist us in our labors if we will act in faith to fulfill His work.”  In the Angeles Mission this working together is best achieved through the “Lesson Staffing” program we are learning at our Zone Interviews.  Now is the time for all missionaries to make members full partners in the teaching and conversion of investigators.

We shouldn’t be hesitant to invite a member to be part of our lessons and fellowshipping.  Member-missionary work carries with it great blessings for Church members. Preach My Gospel teaches:  “Members who share the gospel experience joy and have the Spirit of the Lord more
abundantly. As they share the gospel, they appreciate how precious and meaningful it is to
them, and they feel a greater love for God and others.”  An invitation to be part of an investigator lesson is a great compliment to a member, letting them know that you trust them.  Teaching with the missionaries will be considered an honor and privilege if we present it in the right way.    Let’s be bold (but not overbearing) in asking the right member to be part of the right lesson with the right investigator.  Under inspiration, Lesson Staffing is the right tool for our mission to accomplish true member-missionary work.

Mahal kita
President Clark

Ang Tinig
President’s Letter
January 4, 2016

Whence and Why
I’m going to send you down to earth,
Said God to me one day.
I’m giving you what men call birth.
Tonight you start away.
I want you there to live with man
Until I call you back again.

I trembled as I heard Him speak
Yet knew that I must go.
I felt His hand upon my cheek
And wished that I might know –
Just what on earth would be my task,
So timidly I dared to ask.

Tell me, before I start away,
What thou wouldst have me do.
What message would thou have me speak?
When shall my work be through?
That I might serve thee better on the earth,
Please tell me the purpose of my birth.

God smiled gently and kindly said,
“Oh, you’ll find your task,
So do not stay to ask.
Remember this –
If your best you’ll do
That I will ask no more of you.

Often, as my work I do,
Sometimes commonplace or grim,
I sit and ponder and wish I knew
If I am pleasing Him.
I wonder if, in all my earthly tests,
I’ve truly tried to do my best.

We are foreordained to come to earth at a particular time into particular circumstances and our particular set of gifts, attitudes, and talents—if properly developed and employed—will enable us to fulfill our foreordained purpose – our personal ministry.  (“Understand Who Your Are”, Elder Robert C. Oaks, BYU devotional address, 21 March 2006.)  You have been you for a long, long time and you are here with a purpose.

President Henry B. Eyring tells a tender personal story that makes this point in a penetrating way. When he was a teenager his family moved from a very comfortable environment for young President Eyring to a location that was not to his liking. He sulked for a bit until the Spirit spoke directly to him about who he was in God’s plan and how he ought to proceed. One day the Spirit instructed, “When you find who you are, you will be sorry you didn’t try harder.”  I suspect this spiritual admonition for more diligent effort is probably appropriate for most of us. The Lord will lead us in our particular role if we will seek and follow His guidance.

Elders and sisters, as you seek to minister recall these words of President Gordon B. Hinckley: “Believe in yourselves. Believe in your capacity to do some good in this world. God sent us here for a purpose, and that was to improve the world in which we live. The wonderful thing is that we can do it.”   

Mahal kita
President Clark


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